Chapter 30

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Sunday, February 2nd, 1995

(Tegan's POV)

"I feel like you should start paying me when I work for you." I said as I was putting out new shoes on one of the shelves in Jacks store.

"Come and work on a busy day during the holidays and we'll talk about." Jack laughs from behind the counter. "And what have you done that you want me to pay you for what exactly?"

"Well for starters having to put out all these shoes. I don't know who has worn these or what's been stepped in." I said.

"I wash and sanitize everything before I put it out on my shelves, so theres no excuses." Jack reached under his counter. "So when's your next show? I have more film then I know what to do with and want to get more pictures of you guys."

"We have a place thats letting us play three songs Wednesday night." I reached back into the massive box of shoes at my feet. "You do know that digital cameras are a thing? Polaroids aren't the only way of taking photos."

"Well someone donated this thing." Jack said with the camera in his hand. "I'd have to buy a digital camera. Also don't complain, this thing took the photo of you and Luke I took when you two hung out in my store all day. The same photo that you tapped to the inside of your guitar case. Yeah don't think I didn't see that."

"So what? I liked the picture." I shrugged.

"So much that you tape it to the inside of the guitar case, the same case that he got for you." He asks.

"Why do you read into everything!" I laughed back. 

"Oh maybe because you're wearing a guitar pick necklace with your initial on, identical to the one we wears with his initial on it!" He says.

"Again, so what?" I shrug.

"Tegan you are wearing his shirt right now." He leaned his arms on the counter.

"The shirt that he gave me for Christmas because we share a love for Green Day." I remind him. "Why is that so weird?"

"It's not, but I know I'm right." He says. 

"You are such a pain." I put the last pair of shoes on the shelf.

"Thank you." He says with a smug smile. "So since I can't pay you-"

"No you can pay me you just don't want to." I walked back around his counter. 

"Yeah think whatever you want." He brushes it off. "I won't and can't pay you, but why don't you take this."

"Your camera?" I asked.

"Yeah, why not?" He says pulling a bag of film from the shelves under the register. "You and Alex are the only ones I would trust to have this and not break and or lose it. You can get some behind the scenes of Sunset Curve. Then they'll be worth hundreds of dollars each when you guys are world famous."

"I mean I'm down for some extra cash one day." I agreed, taking the camera. "And you're right. I wouldn't trust those boys with anything remotely valuable either."


"She's going to agree with me!" Luke was saying to the rest of the boys as I walked into the studio after hanging at Jacks. 

"Of course she will, she agrees with you on everything!" Bobby said back.

"Okay, what are we arguing about now?" I sighed from the door.

"Luke picked like the worst combination of songs to play for our next show." Bobby complains.

"Okay, well I'm slightly offended you think there is a bad combo of our songs." I said coming over to the four of them. "Because I think all of our songs are fire."

Mine - Luke Patterson (Luke x OC - PRE JATP)Where stories live. Discover now