Chapter 25

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(Lukes POV)

Thursday, January 28th, 1995

A little over a week later, Sara had gone back to school, leaving Tegan a little bummed out about it. But she almost forgot all about it when we booked a four song set on a Friday night after school at a pretty reputable music club. And we had been arguing about what to play for a hour, and could not narrow our options down to four no matter how much we tried.

"Can we all agree on starting with Now or Never and ending on Heart Attack?" Tegan asks as we all sat around our small 'coffee table' at the studio. We all looked around at each other nodding. "Good, so we finally agreed on something." 

"So now that that is settled, Never Be for song number two?" I suggest.

"No! I say we go and Bright then Bad Romance!"  Bobby quickly protests. 

"Yes great, but even better, hear me out, Now or Never, Crooked Teeth, Tripping Over Air, Heart Attack." Reggie adds.

"Okay, all of you are wrong, Crooked Teeth then Never Be." Alex drops his opinion. 

"Alright then." Tegan says scanning the options, "Luke you want to add your two choices to this mess?"

"I stand by what I said, Never Be, then Tripping Over Air." I respond. "Well what do you think we should do?"

"I hate to say this out loud," She sighs, "But I'm with Bobby on this one."




"Listen okay, I don't exactly want to do Bright and Bad Romance," She laughs at the others reactions. "But this is probably going to be the biggest show we've played to date, we get four songs in a really good club. And I think we need to come with our four most memorable songs. The songs that stick in peoples head most. Don't get me wrong I really want to play Never Be and Tripping Over Air too, two songs I wrote, and they're two of my favorites, but I do think Bobbys right. Not to mention the show is literally tomorrow and we've been at this for an hour and I want to go to bed."

"I told you guys I was right!" Bobby says happily. 

"So we're in agreement?" Tegan asks.

"No, we are not." Reggie crosses his arms over his chest. "But I hate that Tegans rights."

"Therefore I'm also right." Bobby smile smugly. 

"Alright fine. Let's do it." Alex sighs, giving in.

"Okay, Now or Never, Bright, Bad Romance, then Heart Attack."

Friday, January 29th, 1995

This show was a different atmosphere, really in a good way. Some times we go to shows where people are just trying to eat and aren't paying attention to the bands playing, but this was a club where people came for the music, not the food and the drinks.  

We had played the first three songs of our set, I was about to start Heart Attack, but after we finished Bad Romance and the crowd was applauding and cheering Tegan came over to me and kept a smile on her face for the crowd and said,

"Third table from the left about two rows up?" She says through the noise of the crowd. I looked in that direction, making it not look to obvious. "See the woman with the clip board standing with the dude with the notebook. I nodded. "With the way they've been looking at us, I wouldn't be surprised if they are some sort of agent or something."

"So we go all out?" I respond.

"Is there any other way to go?" She smiles before motioning over to Bobby. I told him while Tegan ran over to the other side of the stage to tell Alex and Reggie, and gives me a nod after coming back to her stand. 

Mine - Luke Patterson (Luke x OC - PRE JATP)Where stories live. Discover now