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So, um here we are. I really hoped I wouldn't have to do this but I think it's for the best. 

I want to start off by saying the only reason I made this decision, (which is to put this book on hold if you haven't picked up on that yet) is because the JATP fandom means so much to me. The story, the music, the actors mean so much to me and are some of the things that kept me going for as long as it lasted. I listen to the music everyday in school that helps me get through the day and above al, the show and everything that comes with it just makes me happy.

Because of this I want the book I have put so much thought into to be as good as it possibly can. 

My main issue with writing this book is I know how I want the book to go, but if you remember in the book it's just about Thanksgiving In the story time wise. The ships has barely started and I know exactly how I want the last few "months" to go, but nothing in between. I know how I want this book to go, but don't know how to get it there just yet.

I'm still generally knew here on Wattpadd so I'm still experimenting with different ways to write fan fics, so cut me some slack. 

In the next few weeks I know how busy my schedule is about to get and I really am not going to have enough time to dedicate to making sure new chapters are good quality chapters because this fandom and you all deserve so much better.

I want to sincerely thank every single one of you that have read this far, and thank you for being so loyal to small creators like my self. And I want you all to know I plan to keep writing this book, I just want to take time to figure out exactly how this story is going to work, and I promise I will be back eventually, I'm not disappearing, I love this fandom to much to do that. 

I love you ❤️ 

-Love Addy🥰✌️

Mine - Luke Patterson (Luke x OC - PRE JATP)Where stories live. Discover now