[Fred Weasley] ~Defying the Expectations

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Everyone talked about how hard Harry had it, losing his parents at a young age and all, but I didn't have it exactly easy either.
And no, I'm not saying this because I want pity, but because I sympathize with Harry's condition, even if most of the time people mistake my sympathy for 'plotting to destroy the boy who lived'.
While everywhere he goes, Harry is seen as a hero, and has to live up to the expectation of a good guy, and not only that, but everyone expects him to be as smart as his mother and as funny and social and as much of a Quidditch star as his father.
I am seen as an outcast, a damaged soul, a stain from my parents' mistakes. Everywhere I went, people saw me as a killer, a murderer, someone just like my insanely deranged mother and my just as insane father, a projection of my parents' actions and personalities.
Even if people didn't recognize me by my face and were willing to give me a chance, once they heard my surname, they were quick to turn their backs and just ignore my existence or start treating me like they would treat my mother.
After my mother had been arrested, Mrs. and Mr. Weasley had taken me in to their house, and I couldn't have been more grateful for them to have done that.
They had accepted the daughter of two Death Eaters in their house, not knowing if she would turn out like her parents, but they had taken their chances with me, and thanks to them I had grown-up alongside the Weasley twins, and had grown rather fond of Fred, don't get me wrong, I loved the entire family to bits, they were my family as well, but with Fred, it was different.
But growing up with the twins, had been rather interesting. While I did my best to balance out their pranks and mischievousness, I usually ended up partaking in said pranks, more often than not.

In the past few nights, I had spent them wide awake in bed, doing my best to not bother anyone else, but Ginny, having shared a room with me for a little over thirteen years, and ever since my first year at Hogwarts, Ginny knew how nervous and upset I'd get the weeks nearing the beginning of the school year after every single holiday.
"Are you awake?" Ginny called softly and I sighed as I turned on my side to look at her as she lit the little bedside lamp.
"I am, Gin." I whispered, as I noticed that Hermione was awake as well, and they were both looking at me. "What is it?"
"You know very well what it is." Hermione said in an accusing tone. "You haven't slept in five nights; you will end up falling apart."
I rolled my eyes as they narrowed theirs simultaneously.
"You don't have to worry about anything, I can survive on coffee." I said with a slight smile before I heard Ginny huff.
"That will not help with your anxiety."

"You don't say!" I said sarcastically and Hermione threw a pillow at my face, Ginny following suit. "Hey! That's aggression you idiots!" I whisper-yelled before we all shut up as we heard nearing footsteps.
We looked at each other for a few minutes, holding in our laughter. Once everything became silent once more, we laughed as lowly as we could, but it was of no use.
In a few minutes the door to our room opened and we looked at the door, finding Fred and George standing in the doorstep, watching us intently.
"What are you girls laughing at? We want in on the fun." Fred said and I shook my head, getting off my bed and walking towards the twins.
"You girls go back to sleep, I'll handle these two." I said as I wiped away a few tears that had fallen from laughing too hard.
I grabbed the twins by their arms and pulled them to their room and out of ours.
Upon getting there I settled in Fred's bed and waited for them to sit down.
"Oh the girls are just worried I'm not getting enough sleep and that I am getting too anxious about the upcoming start of school." I admitted as Fred laid down next to me, holding my hand. George sat down at the foot of the bed as he looked at me.
"Well," he started as Fred rubbed circles in my hand. "They're not wrong you know."

"So, you're saying I am wrong?" I asked as I crossed my arms and Fred laughed slightly as George huffed and rolled his eyes.
"C'mon Fred, by now you should know better than to tell your girlfriend she is wrong. We all know how that ends." George complained and I laughed.
"And yet we all know he doesn't care."

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