[Cedric Diggory] - Golden Boy

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"What have you done to him, Cedric?!" I questioned, placing my hands on the library table rather roughly. Cedric glanced up at me, shooting me a brief smile.
"To who exactly?"
I glared at him. Godric, I had known the bastard since before either of us could walk, and yet he still knew how to surprise me. "Don't think for one second you can get away with what you just did, Cedric Amos Diggory!" Cedric looked at me, trying to conceal his teasing smirk, but failing miserably. Just as he was about to open his mouth I stated. "And don't even think about trying to feed me that 'I'm Quidditch captain and Head Boy, I have a lot on my plate as it is' rubbish. I know it was you."
Cedric gave up his pretence and instead crossed his arms. "Alright, what exactly did you expect me to do then?" he asked as my glare deepened. Godric, he really was something else. "The guy was bragging to his friends and sputtering some nonsense about you, what did you expect me to do? Sit back and watch?!"
"Yes!" I cried exasperatedly. "You didn't need to land him on the hospital wing, that's for sure!" I muttered as Cedric sighed. As if he thought I was dumb.

"I was protecting your honour, you're welcome." He said with narrowed eyes, but a soft tone.
I gaped at him in disbelief.
"Protecting my...?" I shook my head. Why was he acting so Gryffindor all of a sudden? "I think I'm able to protect my honour by myself, I don't need a nanny."
Cedric sighed. "I know you don't, but just, be careful, okay? Those depraved idiots are nothing but trouble, and even if I know you can totally handle yourself, I worry, okay? Guys like those do a lot of stuff just to get their way." I gaped at Cedric before hugging him tightly, as close to me as possible.
"I'll let this one slide, but stick to being my little Hufflepuff who won't hurt a fly and I'll stick to being the brave Gryffindor I am." Cedric nodded against my chest and as I let go of him he pulled me closer to him.
"Where are you even going?"
I let out a small laugh as I untangled myself from his arms. "I have a life, so I don't have all day to just stand around and look at your ugly mug my dear, so if you'll excuse me.".
Cedric let out a slight chuckle, pulling me into his lap "I don't think you understood, my dear. The correct answer to that question is 'Nowhere that's not near you.' Maybe you can add a 'Handsome saviour' at the end if you'd like."
I sighed as I hugged Cedric and tried to keep my erratic heartbeat steady. "C'mon Ced, we both know I have a lot more to do. I need to get going, Oliver is going to kill me, I'm super late."
"Wood doesn't care if you're late." Cedric mumbled and I laughed, earning myself a dirty scowl front the librarian. Silently apologizing I turned to Cedric. "Are we both talking about the same Wood who gave me a two-hour long lecture on how being on time was almost as important as the rest?"
Cedric let me go with a pout as he looked at me. "You're right..." he mumbled, and I laughed.
Smiling at him, I pressed a kiss to his forehead and ran to the Quidditch pitch, where the team were probably already waiting for me.

"Were you snogging the Head-Boy again?" Oliver asked as soon as I climbed on my broom, and I shot him a filthy glare.
"I still can't figure how my love life is any of your concern. But, if it is such a pressing concern of yours, Cedric and I are just friends and have been since we were born practically, and that's all there is to our relationship." I crossed my arms as I kicked off and went to fly next to Angelina and Alicia, who were always more than happy to help me escape when Oliver became the older brother I never had (nor asked for).
"You were with Cedric, weren't you?" Angelina asked as we passed the quaffle between the three of us and moved around the pitch.
"Who else would I be with? I wasn't here and I have to soak up all the Cedric I can before he does something so incredibly stupid as to sign himself up for that bloody thing last year." I said and threw the quaffle to Alicia, who threw it back to me rather quickly. I caught it and threw it to Angelina.
"He didn't almost die on purpose you know?" Alicia asked and I rolled my eyes as I caught the quaffle, again. "And Oliver's calling us to practice our shots."
As we flew to the goal post where our captain was, I sighed. "Of course, he didn't do it on purpose, but he signed himself up for the tournament after I'd told him I'd kill him if he did." I explained as I shot the quaffle against Oliver, who was trying to catch up with our conversation.

"Your point being?" Oliver asked as he threw the quaffle to Angelina, who passed it to Alicia.
"My point is that you are not included in this conversation." I shot back easily as I caught the quaffle and threw it.
"Oh please lass, we're friends, you can trust me." he said and I choked as I watched the quaffle pass through the hoops.
"Just, nevermind." I said as I sighed. "Are you going to call them all in here so we can try and play or what? The reserve players need to see some action too." I called out as I made my way towards Fred and George, who were with little Potter talking.
"You can't run away from your feelings for Cedric forever!" Oliver called out and as I turned around to give him a good lashing out, I saw Cedric in the stands, his mouth ajar at Oliver's words. I stared at Cedric as I felt the wind being knocked off of me and all of a sudden, I lost my balance and was plummeting to the ground, the last thing I heard being Oliver and Cedric screaming for me.

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