Challenge #21

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Jaces POV

As Genevieve steps forward, and rips the old woman hand off a terrified Clary, the elderly woman begins to scream, a purely guttural scream, as her body shifts and stretches, arms and legs extending as the demons true form breaks through the disguise of the old woman

"Clary Morgenstern" the denim hisses Clary's name with her birth fathers last name as it continues to transform into its true form, hands becoming clawed, and the distinctive smell of rotting flesh becoming apparent in the small apartment.

"And Genevieve Petit in the same room, it's my lucky day" the demon hisses again, emphasising Genevieves last name, a creepy mutated grin on the demons face.

Alec catches my eye, nodding his head to the right and silently communicating his plan, before he turns to Izzy and Genevieve and does the same. Clary howls in tears, as she faces the demon, with Genevieve standing in front of her for protection.

While it was currently only one demon, we all knew that Valentine would have been alerted by now and most definitely would be on his way, to collect both of the girls standing in front of the demon. To do what I don't know but by the very hidden look of fear in Genevieves eyes, I would bet she had a fair idea.

And before Valentine arrived, we needed to be gone and be gone with the cup. Scanning the rooms full of trinkets, my bloody begins to boil as I look at the clutter with no hope of ever finding a random pack of tarot cards in this hoarders apartment.

I turn back to Alec with a slight shake of my head, and he shakes his too. Remembering the literal demon in front of me, I lock eyes with Genevieve. She smiles that cheeky grin at me, but like that first day I met her, deep in her eyes I can see the pure fear running trough her. She knows just as well as I do that we are no match for Valentine, nor can we leave without the Cup and risk him finding it somewhere within the apartment. However, she still smiles, and gives me a nod, indicating she knows what to do, and with that we all fall into line.

Izzy edges behind the demon, while Genevieve moves forward, keeping the demons attention and enticing it with her scent, she moves forward close enough for the demon to grab ahold of her which of course it does, they may be dangerous but they're fucking predictable.

Alec and I aline ourselves with Izzy in the middle, and with this, Genevieve leaps forward towards the demon still in its grasp, and manage to hook her legs around its neck and hoist herself behind over onto its shoulders.

Izzy then moves forward, stabbing the demon in the back as both Alec and I move forward to get the sides. Clary stays frozen in her spot throughout this, while Simon begins to toot from the waiting van with impatience.

The demons body begins to fall, as Genevieve hoists herself of its head, and grabbing Izzys sword, stabs the demon through the head as it disintegrate into dust.

"Clary what are we looking for?" Genevieve dusts herself off, questioning Clary, who's face is tear stained and panicked.

"Its a red box with gold embellishments" Clary stutters out, as her phone begins to ring with Simon complaining about how long we are taking.

I watch in awe, as Genevieve moves around the apartment, searching. Her grace exaggerated by the leggings and training shirt she sported, the dark hair swinging over her shoulder as she turns her head tilted to look at me as if questioning why I'm staring at her. I smile and she goes back to hunting, but I don't stop staring. there's something about her that just draws me in. All day she's in the back of my head, even throughout this my main focus was her safety. If Alec heard that he would slap me around the head and tell me nothing should distract me from a mission.

But I can't help it, she takes up all the space in my head. Her eyes, her lips, her body, constantly enticing me. All I want is for this to be over and to have her naked body in my bed again, sleeping against me till the morning.

"I've got it!" Clary shouts, breaking my train of thought, and gaining my attention instantly. I can feel Genevieves eyes in the back of my head as I move towards Clary, looking at the cards she has in her hand.

Grabbing one, Clary dips her hand in the photos and pulls out the Cup. Just like that, she just grabs it and we have it, we've got the cup.

"Put it back Clary and lets go" Alec instructs, already on his way out the door with Izzy following him. Clary puts the cup back inside the illustration and moves forward, as Genevieve follow her, my eyes drifting to Genevieves behind, getting myself distracted all over again.

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