Act 2. Pain: Challenge #22

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Jaces POV

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Jaces POV

Heading back to the institute in the van, Clary won't shut up about getting her mum back now that we have the cup. Alec sits in the passenger seat with his jaw clenched with anxiety and a serious look plastered on his face, while Simon talks at him no doubt winding up Alec more. Izzy has her head resting on Genevieves shoulder, her eyes closed and breath steady as the lulls of sleep pull her in. Genevieve sits at the back with Izzy, behind Clary and I in the van. I turn to look at her, catching her eye and winking as the blush creeps across her cheeks visible even in the evening light.

the demon deftly took up more time than expected, and the sun has set as we arrive back at the institute. Alec heads to the back, picking up his little sisters sleeping frame, before nodding thanks at Simon and heading inside. Clary races after him, calling out to me to follow and meet her in the institutes cafeteria.

I head over the the drivers side to thank Simon, waiting while Genevieve hoists herself out of the backseats and out of the van. She waves to Simon as he starts the engine and pulls away, before turning to me with that classic smirk playing on her mouth,

"shouldn't you be meeting your girlfriend in the cafeteria?" she teases. for a second I thought I saw a flash of hurt in her eyes, but it was gone and replaced with humour before I could truely decipher it.

"fuck off, there's only one girl I want in my bed tonight" I tease her back as the blush returns, and she smiles a genuine smile.

fuck me, she's beautiful

"Only if you can catch me" she giggles as she takes off, sprinting up the stairs and through the institute doors, laughing the whole way.

chuckling to myself, I give her a few seconds as a head start before I rush inside, following the trail of laughter to my bedroom, catching up with Vieve just as she enters my room.

Picking up the speed, I run at her in a tackle position, and throw her onto the bed as we both dissolve in laughter. She beams up at me, laughter taking over her body as she shakes and wriggles underneath me. She truely is the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on, even just eye contact makes me feel like there's electricity flowing through my veins.

"Whats wrong?" she pouts, poking our her bottom lip and fluttering her lashes like a little child.

"nothing" I smile as I lean forward, capturing her lips in a kiss I've been waiting for ever since we left the institute this morning.

Genevieve POV

Waking up in Jaces arms again this morning makes my stomach fill with butterflies. Last night was another amazing night with Jace, I couldn't remember the last time I had let someone in like this.

He knew mainly everything about me, all the big secrets anyway. Whether he found out from me or from the Silent Brothers, he knew and he was still here with me. He didn't care that I was mixed, he didn't think I was damaged goods, or unlovable, he was here with me. more importantly he took an interest in me, he makes me laugh, he listens to me.

I've known this is more than just casual for me. I hate myself for it, but I know now that I can't hide behind the guise of just a 'sexual attraction', I had feeling for Jace before we even started fucking and those feelings that weren't going to go away if we continued our friends with benefits situation we had going on.

I don't know how I let myself do this, I had a rule. 1 rule. Don't fall in love, because when you fall in love you lose yourself and you risk yourself. That is an extension of yourself that can be harmed and used against you or turned against or betray you. Love brings nothing but pain in the end. No matter what, someone feels devastating loss. But here I am. He obviously doesn't return this though, he said he couldn't commit and who knows what was going on with him and Clary . Fuck me. This is exactly why, it always ends in hurt.

Slowly he rolls awake beside me disrupting my train of thought. As he takes in his surroundings, he turns to face me and my breath hitches. A smile erupts on his face and he instinctively pulls me in for a hug as though he can't believe I'm really here with him. I laugh into his chest as he reaches his head forward and kisses my face and forehead too many times to count. The butterflies return to my stomach as I reach up and give him a kiss, smiling into his lips.

Maybe I should just tell him how I'm feeling.

Maybe he does feel the same?

How could he?

I'm a mutt. 

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