Challenge #27

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Genevieve POV

Fire spreads through the Club like a hot breeze, smoke billowing as everything burns. 

Magnus sits in the back of the VIP room, waiting for the flames to reach him, not doing anything, not moving, as though he is in a trance waiting for his end. 

I open my mouth to scream at him to move but no noise comes out. 

And then my surroundings change, this time I'm at Clarys apartment. 

Clary and Jace stand in front of me, both undressed in a tight embrace. 

Jace pulls back and smiles at her, like she lights up his world.

That's how he looks at me. 

He leans close to the redheads ace, placing a brief kiss on her nose before reaching dow for her lips, capturing them in a kiss with passion I can fell myself observing. 

"I never liked her, she was just a distraction until I could get you" he whispers as he pulls back and Clary grins up at him. 

"She could never be good enough for me, the dirty mutt" 

And with that they vanish, and a new scene appears. 

The Institute in ruins.

Alec runs towards me, his face bruised and beaten, tears streaming down his face as he holds a body in his arms. 

As he gets closer, I recognise the long dark hair as Izzys, while Alec lays her body on the rubble in front of me, sobs ripping out of his throat as he cries over his little sister body. 

I watch unable to do anything as demons herd out of the rubble towards Alec, no sounds leaving his mouth as he holds his sister while the demons tear him apart, his eyes losing their light as his body falls. 


This time I don't recognise where I am. 

I hear sobbing cries filled with true pain. 

It's dark. 

I see Jace in the corner of the room, as though it were a cage or prison. 

I can't locate the sobs, but the voice sounds female. 

Through the gut wrenching cries, I hear Jaces quiet voice pleading for it to stop, his hands covering his ears tightly with his head in between his knees. 

"Please stop, I can't take it, please just kill her, please, please, please" he whispers over and over

With that a door slams open behind me, and as I spin around I see who 'her' is. 

It's me.  


I see myself this time. 

I'm upset and angry.

I sit on the floor of a strange looking room my wings spread as I howl, letting my wolf through as I scream. 

In my lap lays the sight I hoped to never see.

Jaces body. He's dead. 

"Now that he's out of the way, it's the time for you and me Darling" A tall man walks towards me, instantly recognisable by his tattooed arms. 

I watch myself stand, turning towards Valentine. 

But before I reach him, three demons appear beside me.

"Uh uh uh, I still need my heir darling." 

And then there was nothing. 

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