Challenge #25

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Genevieve POV

Its been 11 days since everything happened with Jace. I haven't left Magnus's since. Ive been here wallowing, giving up on the world, in the worst mental state I have ever been in. 

My under eyes are black and have bags for days, my hair is straggly in a bun, my face dull with colour and my bones popping out. I haven't been able to sleep for 11 days. Not because of Jace, but since leaving him, I've been having nightmares every night, every time I try to close my eyes, images of death and decay emerge in my subconscious and transport my body.

Its like I can feel the pain, I wake up from the pain. I don't know what it is. Magnus says not too worry, the wards protecting the house won't let anyone know where I am. I trust Magnus. he's saved me this pasty week and a bit.

He's been worried definitely, especially when I didn't eat for the first five days. I still struggle to keep it down, but I eat enough to survive and keep myself functioning. Barely. 

I don't do much anymore, it's honestly like an illness has overtaken my bod. I don't understand what's happening. 

Izzy has visited a few times to check on me and catch me up on gossip, although she's careful not to mention Jace, for which I'm grateful.

Alec as visited as well, although I'm starting to think he might be visiting more to see Magnus than me. Alec did tell me Jace doesn't leave his room, but after that I asked him not too and he hasn't mentioned Jace since. 

 Magnus doesn't bring it up either.

I don't know if Jace is in the same state I am, I doubt it though. He didn't have feelings for me. I disgust him. I don't understand him but he doesn't want me. 

"Lunch?" Magnus asks, popping his head around the corner.

"Sure thing! Shall I grab my coat?" I smile at him, and ge shakes his head

"You stay here, I know what you like" He reassures

As he leaves, he chants slightly recurring the wards, and then with a wave, I am by myself.

Time to wash. I turn the bath on and once the tub is full, I lower myself into the hot water and begin to scrub. I scrub as though I can get rid of the memories of Jace on my skin. I wash my hair with the same aggressive demeanour, then rip myself out of the hot water into a towel.

Walking down to my room, I towel dry my hair and get dressed, when I hear it

A faint tapping noise. I can't hear it when I move, but as soon as I listen, its still there, persistently tapping away.

As I head back towards the kitchen, the tapping becomes louder and louder, as though someone is chipping away at rock.

Once in the kitchen, its deafening and speeds up as though it can sense that I am here. Walking into the lounge, the tapping grows distant again. Clearly it's coming from the kitchen.

Returning to the kitchen, I walk out onto the balcony, where the tapping is its loudest and fastest.

The fear starts to creep in as the tapping persists and then out of nowhere to arms grab my body and pull.

I can't see anything except their arms, yet I instantly know who it is. The tattooed arms are ones I will never forget.


Suddenly his arms pull away and the tapping stops, then a portal opens in the kitchen, as I watch from out on the balcony. Into the apartment come at least 15 demons, all wearing valentines mark. Wait holding my breath for Valentine himself to come through, but he doesn't. Instead, my father walks through, clearly back in his alliance with Valentine - if it ever ended. 


What am I going to do?

Quickly they walk out and grab me, three demons grabbing my arms and legs so I can't move, but I wriggle as hard as I can. 

As I enter the apartment again, I scream for Magnus, hoping his wards will somehow alert him something was wrong. As if he could hear me, my fathers portal shuts and won't reopen. With this distraction I kick and spit and wriggle as hard as I can at the same time letting my wings free.

I did it. I got free of their grasp. Heading quickly towards the front door, I rip it open as I hear my father shout5 for the demons to follow. 

Running as fast as I can, down the stair, I head for the club. 

I run, my legs and whole body aching from the sudden exertion, but the adrenaline stops me from feeling the need to stop. 

As I enter the club, I see Tommy one of the managers, who instantly recognises me and waves me in. I give him a nod and he gives one back, as I run up to the VIP section of the club, I see the first two demons catch up and try to get entry. 

Tommy stands and checks their identification, then as he goes through all the rules of the club, I have time to make a phone call.

Stumbling with my phone, I rush to pull up the call screen and call the first person that pops into my head. Jace. 

Fuck, I can't call him. I can't call Jace. Ending the call, I see the demons get let in and head downstairs to search. Running, I quickly pull back the curtain disguised as a wall by Magnus, to access the secret lounge. 

Once inside, I rush to call Alec, my fingers tapping st the screen with urgency as I brung up his contact and press call.

"Alec, he's here, he found me. Its Valentine. He found me"

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