Challenge #30

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Genevieve POV

Its been a week since I woke up, most of it I've spent with Izzy and Alec trying to locate Magnus or any word of him from across the globe. He's been missing for a long time now and I can't ignore the constant worry I feel knowing he's somewhere out there or he's dead. 

I miss him a lot, I could really do with a Magnus gossip session and some of his advice, especially regarding the dreams. But mainly because he is my oldest friend, the only person I've loved my whole life, he was the only consistent good in my life for a long time. 

But there's no sign of him anywhere. It's like he's vanished off the face of the earth. 

I haven't seen much of Jace either, anytime I see him, he runs away. He hasn't spoken a single word to me, and as much as I hate to admit it, its crushing me. Entirely crushing. I have no idea how to deal with emotions like this, but I do know I love him, and he will never love me back. 

It pains me to say but I think I miss Jace even more than Magnus, and I know i'm being selfish but I want him back, I truely do. 

Well I never wanted it to end, I wasn't the one who made that decision.

And even after all the pain, I still know I am in love with him. 

And it's breaking me. 

He's breaking me. 

He might have already broken me if I'm being honest.

I was on my way to the training room when Alec ran up to me, his dark eyes puffy from lack of sleep. I know he has been worrying about Magnus a lot, maybe even starting to develop some feelings from the way his eyes hold that constant look of worry. 

"We got an image of him but then he disappeared again" he tells me as soon as he reaches me, his face drawn in a frown, his eyebrows furrowed.

"What was the image?" I dread Alecs answer as soon as I ask the question but I need to know,

"Magnus in chains in a cell" Alec lowers his voice, a slight waver that makes me search for his eyes seeing the tears welling as his dark orbs catch mine with the look of a scared child. I've never seen Alec show this much emotion. I reach up and wrap my arms around him, drawing him into a big hug, stretching on my tiptoes to reach his height. 

"He's alive Alec that's all that matters, he's alive" I whisper in his ear, trying to calm him as worry creeps over my skin, worry for Magnus. Alec hugs me back but we both know there are things Valentine could do to Magnus that would be worse than death. 

We stay there in our embrace for a while, before we are interrupted by the presence of two people who I did not want to see.

"Awww go Genevieve! so cute" Clary smiles at me genuinely, this girl has no idea what has actually been occurring but my problem is not with her. As Alec and I pull away from each other I see Jaces face in a disgusted grimace as he looks at both of us. He stares at me, his eyes angry but there's something else in them I can't decipher. 

Grabbing Clary's hand tightly, he walks away from us dragging her behind him, my heart aching just at the sight of them holding hands. 

I turn back to Jace trying to ignore the hurt that takes over my entire body, as Alec pulls me in for another tight embrace, this time cos I need it.

"Look at us Genevieve Petit, two heartbroken people comforting each other before the war begins, as if it can't hurt us as much as we hurt now" Alec leans his forehead against mine, both of us just with our eyes closed and deeply breathing, simply comforted by the presence of each other. 

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