Challenge #14

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Jace POV

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Jace POV

"Alec what the fuck happened?!" I screamed at my parabatai.

I can't eve begin to describe the surge of dread the swept trough me when Alec had called to say Genevieve, Clary and Simon had been kidnapped. The cold rush of worry that bought me instant panic and caused Izzy to ask what was wrong.

"Jace I don't know, I told Evie to look out for danger while I went to the bathroom, I shouldn't have left them." I could see the guilt clear in Alec's eyes, did he care for Vieve as well? They had 'been getting closer recently, shit no this isn't the time. I know it wasn't all Alec's fault but we just have to find them.

"Lets track them" I snap, my worry transforming into anger, an easier emotion to handle. Alec and I join hands, the magic of our bond searching for them. Nothing. Absolutely nothing and my heart breaks a little more. I push harder, still nothing but I can't stop I have to find Vi- them.

"Jace there's nothing" Alec softly whispers weakly his vice almost cracking.


Izzy's hone rings and she steps off to the side, but her eyes widen at the voice o the other end gesturing frantically for us to come to her, putting the speaker on I am met with the mundanes voice the best thing I have heard all done.

"Simon do you have any clue as to where you are?" I ask him impatiently after his stupid rambling nervously to Izzy,

"Umm yeah Lucky star Chinese restaurant, wow they have a lot of food here-"

"Simon you're a genius, now to distract them you are going to star a fire, did they put you all in cells?"

"Yeah Clary's is next to mine but I don't know where Genevieve's is"

"Ok Simon you're gonna light a fire with your top and we are coming to get you" Izzy hangs up on him. Thank god we found them we can just go in and ge- shit.

"Fuck its her dad"

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Genevieve POV

Contrary to popular belief my father is not actually the Alpha of the pack, he has Alaric in that position so if anyone threatens the Alpha he is not in any danger he just loses another pawn in his game. A game which he doesn't seem to like his opponent currently-

"Now Daughter, how was your childhood after Mummy died?"

"Oh man Dad it was so great, I had such a great role model" I smile up at him, a knowing smile as he nods his head and one of is henchmen drives their fist into my stomach.

"Next time it will be the face honey" He threatens me,

"Oh well I've been saving for a nose job anyway so go to town" I sass back, making him angry but keeping him distracted from Clary and Simon. The torture has been going to about an hour now, he wants to know if the Clave has the cup. That fucking cup. Next comes a fist to the nose, one to the eye and one to the jaw.

"Well sadly we can' kill you, but I'm sure Valentine won't mind if we rough you up a bit."

Of course he was going to give me to Valentine, I just need to bide my time till Jace, Izzy and Alec figure out where we are.

"oh how is your big boss dad? still following his orders like an obedient bitch?" I sneer at him, the slap resonating through the wall.

"Boys I think its time to speed things u a bit, cause my darling daughter a bit more pain eh?" The two knuckleheads nod enthusiastically while my father brings out a whip tipped with silver. My father is notorious for his silver whip, a gift from Valentine. I stay at a slightly molten state so each hit trails silver down the wound, the only whip to leave marks on a werewolf now on his daughter.

"Judah" he orders as the smaller man steps forward with a knife, cutting off my top. They pick me up holding my arms tightly so as I don't fall. The first hit comes and the pain is excruciating, unbearable. It burns and freezes at the same, cuts and claws unrelenting. He beats and beats, whips and whips a patterns never slowing, ever healing. Just the constant claw of silver in my skin.

I change in and out, the whip thrashing my wings as they show what my father despises about me, he beats them and my back and my front and my legs and my arms.

But I do not scream.

I will not give them that pleasure. Even as he beats me mercilessly, I will not give into my father, even with his power and strength, I will never bow to him.


The pain continues past time, I have no idea if we have been here days week, hours or only minutes but at the sound of the fire alarm my father finally ceases the torture bearing my back.

He orders Alaric to take on the threat, sending him to his Alpha duties. I pray to the Angel that it is he others, I pray that they save Simon and Clary. Simon is intelligent, he had a phone, I hope for hope, I hope for unconsciousness but it does not come.

My fathers henchmen drag me down a hall way to a different cell, I should memorise the way we came but it is taking all I have not to howl not to change or scream.

The sound of a battle is resonates through the walls as the henchmen hold me up, my eyes widening in fear when my father uncaps a syringe. He taps it gently mixing the blue warlock looking mixture. His eyes light up in excitement as he moves my hair t the side, exposing my neck and making sure to run his hands down y scars on my back.


He's here. They're here.

"Look your night in shining armor, lets give him a bit more saving to do"

He jabs the syringe in my neck and pushes me down the hall disappearing into a portal. I slowly hobble back towards the door, clutching the wall. It is very quiet all I can hear is Alec ad Jace breathing heavily and there footsteps.


"Hey guys"

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