Challenge #26

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Jace POV

Its been 11 days. 11 days since I broke her. 11 days since I saw her or heard from her.

I've been staying in my room or the training room for the majority of the days, only going out to eat.

Alec has tried to talk to me a few times but I've just brushed him off. I miss him but all he's going to do is tell me I made a mistake.

I am very well aware I've made a mistake.

but I can't fix this one.

Suddenly interrupting my train of thought, my phone briefly vibrates and then stops. Grabbing it I see I have a missed call from Vieve. My heart surges and hope runs through my veins for a second before I think back to reality. She hung up. It was probably a mistake, she didn't mean to call me.

Groaning in frustration, I throw my head back onto my pillow and close my eyes. Then just as I start to drift off, Alec barges through my door.

"Valentine found her, she's at the club" Alec startles me, my entire body filling with dread as I take in what he just said. I instantly know who 'she' is, and I am panicked

Getting up instantly I follow him to meet Clary and Izzy, already gearing top and getting ready for a fight.

My eyes start to tear up as I find myself in this position again, worried for her safety. And I know she'll say she can look after herself but she can't, she doesn't care for herself enough and puts herself at risk for others.

I'm terrified as we head towards Magnus's club. Alec didn't say how many there were, he didn't seem to know. I don't know what she said on the phone, but his face had been white as a sheet from the minute he came and got me, and his serious expression he normally held had morphed into one of blatant worry.

the past 11 days, I have wanted nothing to do with Clary, yet that girl is more than consistent. Even now she walks beside me, trying to get her hand in mine.

"Fuck off Clary" I snap at her, pulling my hand away. She looks startled but listens and pulls back to walk with Izzy.

Walking to the entrance of the club, Magnus is nowhere to be seen but a man I recognise as a friend of Vieve is standing at the bar.

He looks startled when he sees us with all our gear, Magnus's club is one of no fighting allowed, but the guy doesn't seem to be wanting us to take them off, rather he seems grateful for our presence.

"She upstairs" the guy says, surprising all of us.

We rush inside and up the stairs to the VIP section, not seeing her anywhere but then the scream breaks through.

Still not able to see any sign of Vieve, Izzy runs forward and grabs the wall, tugging it open to reveal Vieve's dad sitting and smoking a cigar and Vieve stuck trying to defend herself against around 10 demons.

Instantly the our of us kick into battle mode and run to help her.

I can't help but notice how she looks. She's lost weight, her eyes have dark circles and bags, she looks unwell and the worry surges through me once more.

This is what you did to her, a little voice says in my head.

I did this.

Genevieve POV

I've managed to take out 6 of the demons, but there's still 10 to go and my Dad, who currently sits watching me fight for my life as he smokes a cigar like an extra on Narcos.

As a demon claw slices my back, I let out a scream and suddenly the curtain is pulled open, revealing Izzy, Clary, Alec, and ........ Jace. He's here. He came.

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