Challenge #24

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Genevieves POV

After my breakdown at Magnus's, I ditched him again. I feel bad but he urged me to go.

I need to tell Jace. Ever since I woke up after the poison, I've known I liked Jace. Its been over a week, and I know the feeling are just getting stronger every night and every morning I'm with him.

I run to the Institute, knowing the way easily since my last time running here, and feeling in much better condition since last running here.

Running up the stairs, I run through the doors and only slow down when I spot Alec.

"Alec" I half shout in a breathless voice, and his head instantly pops up and spots me.

Walking over, I try to catch my breath as he laughs at the state of me, out of breath and dripping in sweat, turning up like a psychopath.

"Wheres Jace?" I ask him once my breath has returned to normal, and he chuckles at my questions, making me furrow my eyebrows.

"why? are you finally gonna confess your feelings so I won't have to hear you moaning them every night?" he laughed, smiling last me cheekily

fuck, we should've assumed he knew, he was right next to us the whole time in the room next door. I hope I didn't hurt him, I know he likes Jace,

"Alec, I'm so sorry I should've ne-" I begin to apologise, when he cuts me off,

"Don't apologise Vieve, I can't change his sexuality and I'm just glad you've both found someone who makes you happy" he smiles at me and all I can do is run forward and hug him.

"He definitely has feelings for you too, you know" Alec whispers in my ear as we hug

"I hope so" I reply and with that he points me in the direction of the cafeteria where he last saw Jace.

Walking in, I instantly spot him with his back to me, sitting at a table by himself, head down focusing on something.

I walk over and sit in front of him, he doesn't look up, instead under his breath tells me to fuck off

"Hi" I whisper

his head instantly whips up with a smile forming straight away.

"Hi gorgeous"

I can't fucking stop blushing around this guy honestly, why can't he just not be as stunning as he is and as kind and funny as he is, I'm literally dying over here.

"Can we talk?" I ask him, his eyes instantly widening as he hears my questions, standing up and grabbing my hand.

Dragging us to his room, he sits down on the bed and pulls me down with him.

"We can talk about whatever you want gorgeous" his voice sultry and smooth as he leans forward and kisses me.

I kiss him back eagerly and he pushes me back into the bed, pushing his knees between my legs pulling a gasp out of me.

He continues to kiss down my neck, reaching behind my back to unclasp my bra,

"I have feelings for you, I am falling for you Jace" I blurt out suddenly, his whole body freezing.

"Im sorry, I know I said casual was fine but I got feelings and I don't want to ruin our friendship and I just thought you should know I'm sorry if you can't get past this, its fine I know you don't feel the same-" I ramble away nervously, waiting for him to stop me until he does

"You're right" he says bluntly, his voice monotonous causing me to instantly feel anxious.

"What?" I question, confused what he's referring too.

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