Challenge #28

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Jace POV

No one knows what's wrong with her. 

She's healed, her wound has completely healed, there is no sign of demon venom in her system, there is no reason as to why she hasn't woken up.

But she hasn't. 

Hodge says it could be a long sleep. 

She lies in the infirmary everyday, her cries heard throughout the Institute as her sleeping body turns and twists, her eyelids twitching as she screams and cries. 

I don't understand how this happened, but I do know it's my fault.  I failed her again.  I did the right things leaving her, all that would've come is hurt. 

I stabbed her, I caused this, I fail her again and again. 

"Jace" I hear Alecs voice breaking my train of thought. 

I had been sitting on the edge of my bed deep in thought, when I look up to see him standing at my door, worry etched across his dark features.

"She's stopped crying out, Hodge says she might wake soon" his dark eyes intently watching me for my reaction. 

"Okay" my voice sounds blunt and rude, but its too late to take it back. 

"I know you blame yourself, but it wasn't your fault, she healed from her wounds, no one knows why she's like this and once we find Magnus then we can find out more" Alecs soft voice tries to sooth me

Where the fuck is the Warlock? he's been missing since the day Valentine found her. No one has heard anything and he hasn't returned to his apartment or the club since. Alec and I couldn't even sense him through our parabatai bond, wherever Valentine had taken him was strongly protected. 

She might wake up soon. Might...

But she won't want to see me, why would she? I shouldn't be seeing her either. 

I couldn't help myself though, I've visited her everyday since that night. 4 days of her sleeping body screaming while I sit next to her with tears streaming down my face. I go late after everyone has gone to bed. 

"She will want to see you, I know you want to too" 

I know that Alec, of course I want too, I miss her more than I thought it was possible to miss a human. 

She makes me happier than I have ever been, and she seems to have that affect on everyone, Alec, Izzy, myself, even Clary seemed to be warming up to Vieve.

She was a storm, she flew into my life without giving me any time to stop her, and she teared everything apart in her wake. 

she ruined me, before her I was a shadow hunter. 

Now I don't know what I am without her. 

"I can't Alec, I don't want anything to do with her, all we do is hurt each other" I whisper so quietly I don't think he'll hear me, but of course being Alec he does. He lets out a low sigh and I can't bring myself to see the look of disappointment that i know is currently etched on his face. 

"Okay Jace, I won't push you on this but I know she loves you" his voice sounds sad and broken but this is what I have to do, she can't love me. 

I don't love her. 


I need to focus on my responsibilities and she doesn't have any, she's a downworlder, she's not part of my world. 

But she could be.

"Than-" I begin to thank Alec, only to look up and find he's already left. 

Jumping in the shower to try and calm my emotions, I hear my door swings open and sneak a peek of red hair wafting into my room. Wrapping a towel around my waist, I exit the bathroom preparing myself for Clary's intensity. 

But she looks different when I walk out, her face covered in a blush as she keeps her head down causing me to chuckle at her awkwardness. 

"Hi Clary, how can I help gorgeous?" I smirk, covering my sadness with cheek as I turn to her shirtless. 

She blushes even harder at the nickname, her entire face becoming the dame colour as her hair, she still refuses to look up at me. 

"Are you ok Clary?" I ask more seriously this time, I don't understand this girl. She's cute but her intensity and frustrating behaviour makes me exhausted, I prefer a bit of chase. I could chase Vieve forever if she wanted me too. 

Fuck I have to stop. 

"I - um - I have to tell you something" Clary's fragile voice peeps out quietly. 

"Anything for you gorgeous" I turn the charm back on, masking how I truely feel as I do everyday. 

"I, ummm, I kinda have feelings for you Jace" She blurts out so quickly I almost miss it

what the fuck? she has feelings for me? Jesus I'm more charming than I thought I was. I've never even thought about Clary like that ive been so caught up with Vieve. She's pretty, in a shy, cute kind of way, and she's a shadow hunter so a much better fit for my lifestyle. 

Maybe this is the distraction I need, I'm sure my feelings will grow over time and maybe become even stronger than my feelings for Vieve.

This is the responsible thing to do. 

"I thought you'd never say anything darling" I wink at the girl sitting on my bed, ignoring the feeling of guilt that creeps up as I flirt with her. 

She turns to me and smiles, then before I can say anything else she reaches forward and attaches her lips to mine. 

They're soft and taste of chapstick, her inexperience and lack of confidence evident. As she starts to separate, I reach forward grabbing her jaw and deepening the kiss, slipping my tongue between her lips. Her sharp intake of breath gives me the perfect opportunity as she smiles against my mouth. 

Its an enjoyable kiss, but deep down I know there are no feelings attached. it's like kissing Izzy, its pleasant but that's all it is. With Vieve, I felt like I couldn't breathe when she kissed me, I felt like I was the luckiest man alive and the thought of anyone else getting to kiss her made my blood boil. 

I have to stop this, I can't keep comparing everyone to Vieve. Clary lets out a breathy moan as I trail kisses down her neck before rising back to her lips. 

As my lips attach to Clary's, the whole room shakes and both of us pull away to cover our ears as an earth shattering scream reverberated around the room. 


I thought her screams at Magnus's were painful, but I've never heard a sound like this, it doesn't even sound human. 

It sounds like pure, devastating, horrific pain

and then as quickly as it started, it stops and silence echoes the room.

Clary and I are both on our feet immediately, running out of my room, towards the infirmary. As soon as I step foot into the room, all heads turn to us.

But there's only one pair of eyes I make contact with. 

They eyes I have been waiting to see for the past 4 days. 

The eyes that can instantly bring me to my knees. 

She's awake.

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