(AOC) [Love Triangle] Mipha and Urbosa

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Requested: Quotev user Moony is asylum sans. Because why not
Summary: Two gals kinda fight over you but kinda don't? Idk I'm running out of fun descriptions-

* Ok, so, I believe this can go one of two ways. You end up with Urbosa, or they both share you. Allow me to explain!

* I've stated before that I believe Mipha is the kind of yandere that will not force you into a relationship with her.

* Urbosa, however, is not as chill of a yandere and has no problems with trapping you in Gerudo Town.

* Therefore, the outcome is mostly determined with how you feel about the two.

* If you favor Urbosa, you'll end up dating her, Mipha will leave the two of you alone since she wants you to be happy and knows that Urbosa can protect you just as well- if not even better- than Mipha herself can, and that'll be that.

* Now, Urbosa doesn't mind Mipha all that much and knows that she won't pursue you, but at the same time, just knowing that the Zora princess has feelings for you puts her on edge. So she'll let Mipha visit you occasionally, if you behave well and if you two are kept under heavy surveillance.

* If you like them both equally, that's when things change up.

* Now, as much as Urbosa wants you all to herself, she does respect Mipha as Mipha respects her, so I believe the two of them could work things out if they talked and would have no problems sharing you. However, Urbosa would definitely be the more dominant of the two.

* You would definitely spend most of you time in Gerudo town, but Urbosa would occasionally let you go with Mipha to Zora's Domain, so long as she can accompany you.

* You will 100% not be able to board either of their Divine Beasts.

* So, yeah, they could definitely share!

* However, if you favor Mipha, that's when tension starts arising.

* Urbosa won't take no for an answer and will try to pressure you into a relationship.

* As soft as she is, Mipha is no pushover when it comes to someone jeopardizing your safety or happiness. When she sees that you're uncomfortable with Urbosa continuing to pursue you even after you reject her, she will step up to defend you.

* You'll end up finding comfort with Mipha, gradually growing closer and closer as you two spend more and more time together, which only encourages Urbosa to be more bold in her advances.

* Urbosa doesn't want to get violent with Mipha. She truly does respect her. But as you keep running into Mipha's arms, and as Mipha continues to shield you away from her, the Gerudo chief's patience wears thinner and thinner each passing day.

* Deep down, Mipha is conflicted and kind of scared. She notices how impatient the chief is getting and knows that staying around you is only adding fuel to the fire. The more you stick together, the closer Urbosa gets to snapping, and if she were to ever become violent, Urbosa would most likely overpower her. On the other hand, if she were to leave you alone more often, it would give Urbosa more opportunities to snatch you away, and she knows that once the Gerudo gets her hands on you, she's never letting you go, and you'll most likely be trapped in her town for good.

* It would be best for you to either just go with Urbosa or help the two sort things out before things start getting violent.

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