(AOC) Impa

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Requested: Anonymous Wattpad user
Summary: Unrelated, but this girl really carried me while I was playing AOC. Like, I don't think I could have beaten the game without her.

* A very proud lover, she adores showering you in attention and loves taking you out to show everyone how cute of a couple you are.

* If you need some time to yourself, that's fine with her, but she wants to know everything that happened at the end of the day. Where did you go? Who did you talk to? You weren't hurt, were you? Did you slip? Trip? Fall? Here, let her check, just to make sure!

* Pampers you and wants you to be in tiptop shape 24/7! She doesn't care what it takes!

* She always tends to any and all of your wounds, no matter when or where you may be.

* She can be quite aggressive towards those who upset you in any way.

* She's not afraid to raise her voice at anyone who may be endangering your happiness.

* She's also not afraid to cause a scene, or in some cases get violent in public.

* There has been multiple cases where either you, Link, Zelda, or Purah has had to pull her away to let her cool down elsewhere.

* But that doesn't stop her from getting back at them later.

* Those who have caused you any trouble will find their homes have been broken into at night, all their valuables either stolen or broken.

* Those who have threatened or harmed you in any way will watch as their house burns to the ground. The exact words and/or actions they expressed to you will determine whether they get to watch the flames engulf their home from the outside, or they remain trapped within and go up in smoke with it.

* Impa is a loving yandere to you, but is not to be taken lightly by those who may wish to cause you harm.

Yandere Breath of the Wild + Age of Calamity X Reader HeadcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now