(AOC) {Shy Reader} Sooga

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Requested: Wattpad user Supginger12
Summary: Protective Sooga with a shy s/o who hides behind him a lot.

* You chose the right person to hide behind, cuz this man's a giant.

* Honestly can't blame you for being intimidated. I mean, you're in the Yiga Clan Hideout, with deadly soldiers around every corner.

* He is both concerned and loves when you hide behind him.

* He loves it because it shows that you trust him, that you know that he can and will protect you from anything or anyone.

* In fact, he silently encourages it with small affectionate gestures like patting your head.

* However, he's also concerned because, what scared you? Is there something you perceive as a threat?

* If you're just feeling a bit overwhelmed at the soldiers everywhere, and he's not in an urgent meeting or anything, he'll offer to take you away so you two can have some alone time.

* However, if there's something specific that's genuinely concerning you, he doesn't mind taking care of it.

* Anyone who tries to shame you for your frightened nature meets the sharp end of his blade. He makes sure to tell you to look away; the last thing he wants is for you to be scared of him.

* He makes sure to take time out of his day every day to just spend some time alone with you so you won't get too overwhelmed by the soldiers everywhere.

* He likes to take out out on little dates.

* His favorite kind of date is when he brings you up to a high area, whether it be a mountain or even just a rooftop, and watch the sunset before stargazing.

* Whether the two of you make small chitchat or simply gaze at the sky in silence, he enjoys the peaceful moments he gets with you. It's such a contrast to the chaos of the rest of the Yiga clan.

* If you happen to fall asleep, he'll carry you back to bed and let you rest, and won't let anything or anyone disturb your slumber.

* Hide behind him any time you want. He's your protector, after all. He won't let anything happen to you.

Yandere Breath of the Wild + Age of Calamity X Reader HeadcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now