(AOC) [Love Triangle] Kohga and Sooga

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Requested: Quotev user United
Summary: HahahaHAHAHA! Good luck, buddy.

* Okay, just wanted to say, the moment even one of them falls for you, you'll be kidnapped and kept in the Yiga Clan Hideout.

* It does take a while for either of them to fall for you. When they do fall, though, they fall hard.

* I could most likely see Kohga falling for you first. In the beginning, he was in denial he held any sort of romantic feelings towards you, even when he was watching you from the shadows. But with time, he slowly started growing more and more obsessed with you, to the point he started growing jealous of those interacting with you.

* Why do they get to hog all your attention?! It's not fair! It's around this time that he finally realizes his feelings towards you, so during one of the Yiga Clan's attacks, he'll snatch you away amidst the chaos.

* After you're kidnapped, Kohga has Sooga watch over you whenever he has business to attend to. At first, Sooga limited his interactions with you. You belonged to Master Kohga and Master Kohga alone, and he was only there to keep an eye on you.

* But then, he starts noticing little things about you. All the small things you do when you're bored- like humming a quiet tune, doodling on the ground, etc.-, some small habits you may have developed during your captivity, or perhaps just had them all the time. It's on a particularly eventless, boring day that Sooga can't help but question you about such actions.

* He takes longer to fall than Kohga, but once he does, he's looking for any excuse to have you in his sights.

* The moment Kohga realizes this, he yells at Sooga and and claims he can no longer have one-on-one time with you.

* Of course, that doesn't stop him.

* These two are vastly different yanderes.

* Kohga is clingy and drags you around with him everywhere he goes. I'm not exaggerating when I say he's like a really bratty kid. He snaps at anyone who tries to get close to you and is constantly trying to show off in front of you and fish for your attention. The moment he does something that takes even a bit of effort, he'll immediately look at you to see if you were impressed.

* If you ever compliment him in any way, shape or form, no matter how small of a compliment it is, he will never let you live it down.

* He throws a tantrum when he sees you interacting with someone he doesn't want you to- so practically everyone- and has no sense of personal space. He has to, has to, has to be your number one priority, just as you are his!

* Sooga, on the other hand, isn't nearly as needy as Kohga. He's much more silent and not as clingy.

* However, whenever he can't be around you, he'll stalk you from the shadows.

* He knows Master Kohga can get quite overbearing at times, so he'll use this to his advantage by offering you some free time away from him, and possibly away from the Hideout. Of course, he'd never let you escape, so he'll bring you somewhere isolated so you can't call for help, and with limited exits so he can easily grab you should you attempt to run away, like a small cave or one of those giant skulls that bokoblins like to hang out in.

* He remembers every little detail about you. What you like or dislike, what motivates you, what you value, your schedule, your hobbies, how you think, all the little things that make you tick; as soon as he learns anything about you, it'll be ingrained in his mind. He'll use this knowledge for all sorts of things, like cheering you up on a bad day, or finding out the best way to trap you again should you attempt to run off.

* He also does all sorts of kind things for you without you ever knowing it's him. Say, if you ever mention wanting something- like a new tunic or some earrings- you'll mysteriously find it laid out on/near your bed.

* Sooga is the more protective of the two.

* It isn't that Kohga doesn't care for your safety, he's simply more reckless and acts more on his emotions, so some things may slip his mind.

* If Sooga thinks something will put you in harm's way, he either won't let you interact with it, or he'll stick by your side.

* I can't see these two trying to eliminate each other, as they're both important parts of the Yiga Clan. If one goes, the other will no doubt have a lot of trouble.

* However, I will say that Kohga does have the favor of the entire Yiga Clan, so that's an entire army working their hardest to push you towards Kohga and away from Sooga.

* However, one might argue that this actually works more in Sooga's favor, as these forceful pursuits make Kohga seem more unbearable.

* Could they share? Probably. But it won't be pretty.

* Kohga will be even more clingy and irritable, and whilst Sooga never really did anything extreme before, you'll feel his intense stare on you more and more often while he's stalking you.

* Arguments are bound to happen, and more often happen right in front of you as they squabble about how you should spend your time.

* They will steal you from each other. It's bound to happen at some point.

* You'll be hanging out with one of them calmly (probably Sooga) and then suddenly the other (probably Kohga) will appear behind you, snatch you up, and disappear with you in a cloud of smoke.

* The only moment of peace you would get with these two would be- ironically- if Astor threatens your safety.

* Remember when Astor kills all those Yiga Footsoldiers to bring back the Blights, and wants to sacrifice Kohga and Sooga? Imagine that he fully intends on sacrificing you as well. The two escape- Sooga doesn't disappear (cuz I'm not sure if Sooga actually died or if we was just too injured to show up later on)- while carrying you away, but not without your fair share of scratches and bruises.

* As you lie asleep, no words are spoken. No words are needed. They come to a silent agreement- if they want to keep you safe, they have to work together.

* These two definitely aren't the perfect pair. But for your sake, they're willing to be the strongest one.

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