(AOC) {Platonic Parent Reader} Zelda

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Requested: Wattpad user lilfoxthehylian55
Summary: I'm not saying you're Zelda's favorite parent, but you're Zelda's favorite parent.

* I can see this going two ways; you're Zelda's birth parent and you don't die, or you marry into her family.

* If you're her birth parent, then she's clung to you her entire life. She constantly sought to earn your approval with her good behavior and intelligence.

* Of course, since she is a princess and Hyrule's future queen, you do have to be strict with her, though that doesn't mean you can't give her affection. You push her to do better without attaching her achievements or failures to her worth. You love her unconditionally.

* If you marry into her family, she is rather distant toward you at first and doesn't get too personal with interactions. She holds nothing against you, but every time she sees you and her father together, it's a constant reminder that her mother is never coming back.

* However, as you help her in her studies and meditation, you constantly remind her to take breaks and take care of herself.

* At first, she finds it a bit annoying. After all, her father is already paranoid with how long it's taking her to awaken her powers. She doesn't have the time for breaks.

* As you persist, though, she eventually caves, and finds that the one-on-one time with you is surprisingly comforting.

* You remind her so much of her first mother; you give her the affection her father refuses to give her and express how proud you are of her in any way you can.

* No matter if you're her birth parent or not, she aspires to be just like you as she grows up. She often finds herself copying your body language. Even any small habits you have, she'll pick up on them.

* She loves exploring Hyrule with you. She'll point out random things in the wild and tell you everything she knows about it in hopes of impressing you.

* Some days, you two will go horseback riding through Hyrule Field. Other days you'll have a picnic in the woods.

* However, her favorite activity is sneaking out at night with you into the gardens, where the two of you can talk about and do anything.

* You can braid her hair and gossip about drama, you can point out constellations in the sky, you can giggle about inside jokes nobody else can understand, you can hold in your laughter as you hide from the patrolling guards..

* When she's with you, it feels like she's free to do anything.

* Which is why if you're ever kidnapped by the Yiga Clan, Zelda is going to go on a fucking massacre.

* Being the Queen/King/Monarch of Hyrule will definitely put a target on your back, especially if you don't have combat experience.

* If the Yiga Clan ever targets you and attacks you/holds you captive, there will be no limit to Zelda's rage.

* The next thing the ninjas know, their base is being flooded with knights, soldiers, and a princess with a scarily high body count.

* Safe to say, she refuses to lose her beloved parent, possibly for the second time.

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