(BOTW) Paya

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Requested: Wattpad user TheGoddamnMessiah
Summary: It wasn't until I found this picture right after doing the Impa headcanons that I realized just how similar Paya and Impa look.

* This girl is an absolute sweetheart.

* Definitely has pages upon pages dedicated to you in her diary.

* Although she tries desperately to hide her feelings, everyone in the village knows about her little crush and encourage her to act upon it.

* Oh boy, if only they knew her "little crush" wasn't so little.

* Since day one, you had felt so different to her. So graceful, so elegant, so... perfect. You're perfect in her eyes.

* She's delusional and refuses to believe you can do any wrong.

* She praises everything you do, even if it's as small as watering some flowers.

* She always feels guilty whenever you do something kind for her, she doesn't want you to waste your energy!

* She feels even more guilty when she realizes her crush on you, you're way too good for her!

* And the amount of shame she felt when she realized that this was more than just a crush was unimaginable.

* At first, she chides herself for thinking such thoughts. She can't be greedy! She's not the only one in the village who loves you! Everyone else loves you, too! From the way you smile, to the greetings you give them, and all the gifts you give, and... and all the ways you help them out, and... and...

* ... you shouldn't be doing this.

* No, no, you're doing too much! You're way too nice and faultless to be doing other people's dirty work for them! You deserve to relax and not have to worry about a thing!

* It's when she realizes this that she finally starts making her move.

* Although she's trying her best to court you, she still can't deny the nervous thoughts that dance in her mind.

* There are many times where she'll quickly give you a gift- usually something like flowers- with a red face while averting her gaze, and before you can thank her, she'll run off, saying that she's sorry that they might not be to your liking.

* And if you accept... oh, goodness, she'll be overjoyed!

* You'll have to reassure her that yes she is still awake, no this isn't a prank, yes you return her feelings, yes you're talking to her and not some person behind her.

* From then on, she'll be itching to show you affection.

* She'll hold back most of the time, since what if she makes you feel uncomfortable?

* You'll have to engage most of the hugs/kisses/cuddles/etc.

* She eventually begins expressing her dislike in people, as she believes they'll take advantage of you, and asks you to stay away from them, and of course you do! If someone as sweet as Paya doesn't like them, they must not be a good person!

* She manipulates you without even knowing she's being manipulative. She simply thinks you go along with her because you're so amazing.

* She also unintentionally manipulates the rest of the village by over exaggerating. For example, she'll say that you don't want to help out on farming anymore because it's taking a serious toll on your physical health, when in reality you just needed a day or so off because you had a fever.

* She truly doesn't mean to manipulate anyone. She simply thinks you're too nice to confront them. Not to worry, although Paya is quite timid herself, she is willing to stand up for you!

* Should anyone consider doing anything to you, Paya won't intervene. She won't have to. In fact, she won't even realize said person has ill intentions towards you, since the village- especially Impa- will take care of them. Whoever has any ill intent towards either party of the sweetest couple in the village must be a bad person!

* Paya is a sweet yandere who no one ever sees coming.

Yandere Breath of the Wild + Age of Calamity X Reader Headcanonsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن