(AOC) {Getting Reader's Attention} Revali

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Requested: Quotev user Lunatic Dreemurr Says Happy Holidays
Summary: This attention seeking bird wants your attention.

* This man-

* He's looking for literally any excuse to be by your side!

* Taking a morning stroll? He'll be with you! By the way, would you like to fly with him on his back? He's happy to oblige!

* Going to the shop? He'll join you! He needs to get a few things himself anyways.

* On your way home? Mind if he comes over? It's been a whole week since he's last visited, a home to you is a home to him!

* He loves taking you to Vah Medoh, where communication with anyone else but him is very limited and you can simply focus on each other's company.

* Should you ever try to ignore him, he'll think of other ways to get your eyes back on him.

* He'll "accidentally" bump into you on a stroll, make a grand entrance, and insist on taking you out to eat.

* He'll fly over you, waiting for a monster to spot you before swooping in to save you.

* The more you try to push him away, the harder he'll try.

* It'll get to the point he literally will not leave your side. He'll brag about all the achievements he's accomplished, and he'll look for any opportunity to show off.

* However, even despite these attempts, should you continue to ignore him, he'llimmediately grow suspicious. Not of you, of course, but of those around you.

* Who thinks they're so entitled to your time that should be dedicated to him?

* Is it your friends and/or family? Is it one of the other Champions? Is it that pesky knight the princess always drags around?

* Even if you insist that nobody is forcing you away from him, he refuses to believe you just don't want to spend time with him. There must be an interfering factor!

* You're paying attention to someone else because they can do something cool? Revali will either insist that it isn't impressive as it seems and point out all the mistakes they're making, or hone his skills until he can do the same thing even better so you'll notice how superior he is to whoever is trying to steal your gaze away from him!

* He'll get so overbearing, you'll eventually snap. You're done! You are getting sick of him being so demanding of your time! Why can't he just leave you alone?!

* And at last... he understands.

* You're feeling neglected!

* His Champion duties have taken up so much of his time, you're under the impression that he doesn't want to be with you! Darling, why didn't you tell him sooner? He'll gladly clear up more of his schedule to make room for you! In fact, the two of you should share some alone time right now!

* Before you can protest, he'll fly you up to Medoh and refuse to let you back down. Nothing will get in between the two of you now!

* He'll keep you up there for as long as possible, and being honest, I can imagine this putting you in danger when Windblight eventually shows up.

* When Windblight is defeated, though, he'll be all over you once again. Are you hurt? Injured? Are you in pain?

* It's understandable that he would be concerned, but when he goes on about how he'll make sure you'll never leave his side again and how he promises to eliminate any threats to you or your relationship, it gets to the point that Teba steps in and tries to get Revali to chill.

* Revali doesn't want you leaving the safety of Vah Medoh, but Teba talks some sense into him, because does he really want you to be on the Divine Beast while it's being piloted into a war zone? Probably not.

* Because of this, Revali will reluctantly drop you off at Rito village, with only the best security, before heading into battle.

* And let me tell you, the moment Revali returns from battle...

* Well, let's just say, if you thought he was overbearing before, you haven't seen anything yet :)

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