"You look exhausted."

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The door fell in its locks behind her with a soft click, the only sound that marked her return.

She was finally home.

"You look exhausted."

Alyss smiled.


She wasn't surprised to see Will hunched over a bunch of papers. She slumped on the couch and threw her bag on the ground. Her body ached from spending the entire day in the saddle and a headache was lurking around the corner. Will pushed a mug filled with steaming tea towards her but didn't look up. Alyss groaned but sat down opposite of him.

"You look exhausted," she whispered, mindfully copying his words. A grin spread over his face, but his eyes remained fixed on the words he was scribbling down.


Alyss smiled again. Apparently, during her absence, Will had been called away for a mission of his own. He couldn't have returned long ago, she was familiar with his debriefing papers and noticed he wasn't even halfway. But it was late.

"Let's go to bed," she pleaded him. No reply. Alyss grabbed a handful of the papers and slowly started pulling them back. Will groaned, but let her. Finally, he looked up to her radiating smile and rolled her eyes.

"Let's go to bed," he mimicked and she laughed. She laughed harder when he grabbed her hand and pulled her to the bed

Ranger's Apprentice: The Tantalizing TalesWhere stories live. Discover now