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In which you're all such big Willyss simps that my day ends with me writing about them. Again. Not that I'm complaining. 


His cloak was spread out under her. Her papers were spread out around her. Her husband was sprawled out on the grass, his head in her lap. All in all, Alyss thought, she had been in worse positions.

Though those big brown eyes looking up to her from under her paperwork might be among the worst distractions she'd ever encountered.


Will grinned innocently at her.

"Take a break," he pleaded.

Alyss sighed.

"I can't. I really need to practice the Teutoland language again before my assignment there in two weeks."

The young Ranger rolled his eyes.

"I'm sure they'll understand you just fine. And otherwise there's still the common tongue."

His wife scoffed.

"Du hast leicht reden. One common tongue and you Rangers think the world lies at your feet. Wirklich sehr diplomatisch."

"Oh c'mon, 'Lyss, you know I have absolutely no clue what you just said."

She ignored him. Focused on her conjugations instead.




Without looking up, she replied, "Will Treaty, wenn du jetzt nicht die Klappe hältst, werde ich dich zwingen."

He opened his mouth to say something again, but decided against it. He was truly clueless about what she'd said and knew that Alyss was aware of the fact. He didn't put it past her to take advantage of it and get back at him by making him agree to something he would rather not agree to. Better safe than sorry, he thought, and he closed his eyes to soak in some more of the early spring sun.

Alyss eyed him from behind her papers. The rays gave his skin a golden glow. He hadn't combed his hair this morning, and so the wild curls were freely moving in all directions. The stubble from a few days of no shaving, the half unbuttoned shirt... And a gorgeous blue butterfly landing on his nose.

Eyes closed, head in her lap, with nothing on his mind but a butterfly on his nose, he looked so peaceful. So relaxed. So free. It reminded her of their times as children, when they'd escape the castle grounds on sunny days to run to the forest and just... play. Climb trees. Or lay in the grass. Until any of the Castle's caretakers would come to find them.

They'd come so far from those wild and careless days. And yet they were still the same people, the same two children.

Finally, she gave in. Alyss bent her upper body over and pressed a kiss against his lips.

"Ich liebe dich."

Will smiled. Eyes still closed, his hand reached up and grabbed her chin, bringing her face closer to his once again, demanding another kiss. When he let her go his eyes were open, and wide, and looking at hers.

"I love you too."

Ranger's Apprentice: The Tantalizing TalesWhere stories live. Discover now