Comfort food

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In which Alyss and Jenny talk some girltalk, but not without the comfort of some good snacks, of course.


Alyss had had to practically drag Jenny away from her restaurant. It's funny how out of the two of them, the cook had become the workaholic, she had thought smilingly. It had taken some convincing, but she knew her friend's weak spot.

"Will has to stay at Araluen for a few days more. He has some meetings and debriefings with Crowley. So we'll have the cabin entirely to ourselves, with no one to disturb us. And," Alyss had added after a few silent seconds, "we can try out the snacks I brought from beyond the borders."

That last thing had done the trick. Jenny had never travelled, had never even left Wensley. She didn't mind it - everything she needed was in the small village. But Alyss knew it pained the cook that she couldn't expand her tasting palette. So when Alyss had joined Cassandra and Horace's entourage as the representative of the Diplomatic Service while the two newlyweds toured Araluen's closest allies, the Courier had taken the opportunity to stash her bags with all the exotic snacks she could find.

Now, all those snacks were spread out over a table cloth that Alyss had covered the bed with. Legs crossed and comfortably resting against some pillows, the tea was left to go cold as Alyss introduced Jenny to the wonders of the foreign kitchens.

"...These I got from the north of Gallica. It's a type of waffle, but very much flattened and has dried syrup between it instead of warmly dripping over it, like we do. And then the taste of the waffle and syrup combined... apparently that taste is recreated separately and used to enhance other sweets, even like chocolate."

Jenny took a bite and sighed happily.

"The texture is amazing! How do they do that? It's soft like waffles, but still has that added crunch. I've never tasted anything like it! I have to try and recreate it."

She sighed again.

"If only you could cook... I would force you to learn how to make everything you ever eat abroad so you could teach me!"

Leaning back to rummage through her bags, Alyss eventually revealed a notebook.

"I might not be good at cooking or even understanding the composition of food, but I am good at note taking."

The notebook was tossed towards Jenny.

"Here's everything they told me."

The cook gasped as she skimmed over the pages, which were filled to the brim with notes, tips, secret ingredients, and any other information Alyss had managed to get her hands on. Jenny squealed.

"This is the best present anyone's ever given me!"

Her friend simply smiled and sipped her tea.

"Dare I say that you even look happier than when Gilan surprised you, a few days before the wedding?"

"I would leave Gil in a second if it meant getting to discover new tastes every day. He knows. It's why he loves me."

They both laughed.

"Speaking of love... any chance Redmont's wedding bells might ring again, in the near future?"

Coincidentally - or perhaps strategically - Alyss had just taken a rather large bit of a yet unidentified dough ball. She refused to meet her friend's gaze, but the movement said enough. Jenny clapped in her hands in delight.

"Oh I knew it! I knew it!"

Alyss eyed her curiously and, after she had swallowed, said: "You didn't."

Jenny rolled her eyes.

"I've seen the two of you together since you were babies. Of course I knew."

For the so-manieth time that evening, she smiled.

"An engagement! There's so much to plan."

Of course. Jenny was always the business woman.

"So. What season are we thinking of? Winter would be magical, but I don't think Will would be a fan of the cold and the snow. Autumn would clash with either of your formal uniforms and spring... too much sneezing, it would ruin the music. So that leaves summer. If we plan it right, you could get married in that open ballroom in the castle - you know, the one where we always had our tea parties, with all the windows - right at sunset. And - oh, please let me take care of the food!"

Without missing a beat, Alyss enthusiastically joined in.

"Summer sunset sounds lovely. Yes, you'll be in charge of the food, but only if it doesn't interfere with your duties as my bridesmaid. As for the castle... I think we'll keep it small, maybe even just near the cabin. Will would like that. But Jen-- we haven't talked about it yet. No one even knows!"

"Alright, I won't tell anyone. Really!" she added, when she caught Alyss's disbelieving look.

"I'll just tell them about these amazing waffles instead. And who knows; maybe I'll even make them for your wedding."

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