At your service

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In which Maddie finally finds someone who'll be at her service - forever and always. Idk where the plot went, this is just a collection of the vibes that have kept me up for two nights in a row now.


'And then the lace that the sleeves are made up of, could come back as a waist-enhancer. Maybe even add a bow at the back, if the event asks for it.'

Maddie supported her words by drawing on the piece of paper in front of her. Her purple pencil moved quickly over the paper, adding more and more lines until the dress she had in mind was given a solid form.

Ingrid studied the drawing with interest. The lace sleeves that Maddie had mentioned were tight, and would cover the wearer's arms all the way from the shoulder to the wrist. The rectangle neckline was simple and elegant, fitting with a bodice that would put just enough emphasis on feminine curves, but without the great discomfort that a corset would bring. Below the potential lace ribbon that Maddie had just added around the waist, shiny fabric flowed out into a wide, playful skirt, falling all the way to the ground. Ingrid now pointed a finger at it.

'There's more than enough room here to hide a knife or two, if you want.'

The princess nodded enthusiastically. Before she could grab another pencil to indicate where exactly the pockets would have to go, however, there was a knock on the door. The sound was followed by creaking, as said door was opened, and Cassandra peaked into the room.

'Maddie? Oh- hi, Ingrid.'

Ingrid moved, wanting to get off the bed so she could make a proper curtsy as befitted greeting the Crown-Princess-Regent of the Kingdom, but Maddie firmly gripped her wrist, keeping her from doing so.

Mom!' she exclaimed, calling for Cassandra's attention. 'Perfect timing. Would it be okay if Ingrid stayed the night? She's off-duty, so she doesn't have access to the servants' floor. And I kinda don't want her to travel alone to the village so late. She could just stay in my room.'

Pursing her lips, Cassandra gave the idea some thought. She knew Maddie had been making short nights, as she patrolled the woods around the Castle in Gilan's temporary absence. In all honesty, she had only come to Maddie's room to make sure her daughter would go to bed early, getting enough sleep.

But Maddie didn't seem tired. Her cheeks were rosy, her eyes big and sparkling. Cassandra took a closer look at the two young women, huddled together on the bed. Maddie's hand was still tightly gripped around Ingrid's wrist, but the other didn't seem to mind. In fact, it seemed that Ingrid had taken the opportunity of collecting all the drawings that lay sprawled out over the bed to move closer to her daughter. A daughter who, Cassandra realised, looked happier now than she had any of the days since her return to Castle Araluen a week ago. All, only at the prospect of her former servant spending the night.

Really, there was only one thing Cassandra could do.

She smiled at her daughter.

'Sure honey.'

Maddie's smile widened. She looked só excited that Cassandra couldn't help herself. She smirked, winked, and added a final comment.

'Sleep well.' And with that, she left.

When she was sure that her mom had closed the door and was out of earshot, Maddie let herself fall back into the pile of pillows, suddenly way too conscious of her surroundings.

'She knows,' she concluded.

Ingrid had finished piling up their sketches. After putting them on Maddie's nightstand, she looked down at her, planting as much confusion on her face as possible.

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