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In which Pauline makes a good point (but doesn't she always).


Pauline was on her way to her own office, when she saw the unlocked door. It led to the office of the local Ranger, that of course being Halt. But Halt tended not to use his office, except as an extra storage room of sorts where he could keep all the papers and files he didn't need on a daily basis. Still, apparently he was there today, and perhaps he fancied a cup of coffee. They had some shared business to attend to, anyhow.

Before Pauline could even knock, however, the door flew further open and a dazed Will appeared. He didn't even acknowledge Pauline when she greeted him. Confused, the Head of the Diplomatic Service watched as the boy walked away. Then, she turned around and peeked into the Ranger's office. There sat Halt, untroubled, as if his apprentice hadn't just walked away in utter shock.

"What did you say to him?" she asked, not bothering to offer an introductory greeting. The Ranger had probably heard her coming anyhow, if not recognised her walk. He now looked up to her, and shrugged.

"I told him I was proud of him."

Pauline sighed and shook her head.

"Oh Gorlog. You really need to show that boy more affection." 

Ranger's Apprentice: The Tantalizing TalesWhere stories live. Discover now