Royal hits

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Did Horace just hit for her or on her?


"You shouldn't have hit him."

Though her words were disapproving, there was no remorse in her voice. No trace of regret, or dissatisfaction, or anger. In fact, if he listened well enough, Horace thought he could hear something of enjoyment behind Cassandra's neutral tone. Or maybe he was just imagining things.

He shrugged. His fingers would hurt for a few days and holding his sword might be a bit of a nuisance, but the bruises would totally be worth it if he didn't have to hear one more word come out of Sir Lionel's mouth ever again.

"As your Champion, it is my duty to serve and protect you. It's in the code, and it was in what your father told me. Though I'm not sure he meant hitting nobles in the face," Horace added.

Cassandra rolled her eyes at that.

"I'll just tell dad I'm the one who hit him."

Horace chuckled and Cassandra spun around from where she had been looking down on the courtyard.

"What? I could've."

The young knight held his hands up in defence, if only to make sure that the Princess wouldn't put her words into actions to offer him a demonstration.

"Oh, I know that you could. I also know that you would have hit him, had I given you the chance. It's just that you have the tendency to go around breaking jaws, whereas I merely broke his nose. I'm not sure your father will believe you suddenly decided to take it easy on Sir Lionel."

Cassandra threw her head back and laughed and just for a moment, the pain in Horace's hand was gone. Her laughter was a drug that fogged his mind and before he'd taken a minute to think about it, Horace heard himself say: "If you want to know how to hit someone in the face without breaking their nose and still not take it easy on them, I suppose I could teach you."

The princess eyed him curiously.

"Oh? Are lessons of self-defence included in the code of champions?"

Horace's cheeks were beginning to burn. But he wasn't going to back off. Not now. Not this time.

"Only if it concerns princesses who are having trouble keeping their hands near them, your highness."

Said princess pursed her lips. Her bright green eyes were sparkling, and Horace recognised the look on her face. He was in trouble.

Cassandra's next words confirmed that.

"In that case, meet me at sunrise sharp, Champion."

She walked towards the door, intending on leaving, but turning around one last time. The princess looked at him, up and down, from where he was sitting on the bed.

"Oh, and bring a towel. This princess who has trouble keeping her hands to herself will not take pity on the youngest Champion ever. She'll make you sweat."

It was only when Cassandra had pulled the door in its locks behind her that Horace leaned back against the pillows and allowed the heat to return to his cheeks. He groaned. He was very much going to be in trouble.

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