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In which Horace has to bend down in order to kiss Will, who is standing on his tip-toes. Requested by anonymous.


Will didn't know how to say it. Didn't know how to act upon it. Basically, he just didn't know what to do. And the fact that Horace wasn't really being open and honest and clear about his feelings, didn't help.

Through all the years they'd known each other, Will had fostered many feelings for Horace. It had started with annoyance, had grown into a dislike, had turned into near-hatred. It had included gratitude, appreciation, familiarity, and friendship. A deep, honest, heartfelt friendship.

But somewhere along the line, the friendship had turned into something more. Something more intense. Something so overwhelming and powerful but also so immensely positive that Will had trouble fathoming it all.

And now-

He didn't really remember how they'd gotten into this situation, half undressed and all alone. But he was pretty sure he didn't want to get out of it. They'd gazed into each other's eyes for a few minutes now, neither of them daring to move. Horace's cheeks were slowly turning pink and Will was pretty sure that his own pupils were dilated. He would go crazy if they'd leave it at this.

In an impulse, he jumped off the bed and grabbed his friend's arm.

"Come with me."

Horace didn't protest - not really - but the confusion was evident in his voice when he asked, "Where are we going?"

But Will didn't respond. Not allowing either of them the time to get dressed, he pulled his friend out of the cabin, all the way to Redmont Castle. It wasn't until they had reached the empty courtyard around the donjon, that he turned around to face his friend and spoke.

"This is where the rivalry started, right?"

Horace shrugged sheepishly.

"I guess. Although I don't really-"

But Will didn't let him finish.

"So this is also where it ends."

Resolutely, he reached out to his friend. He was standing on his tiptoes, and still-

"This isn't going to work without some input from the both of us, jerk."

Will grabbed Horace's collar and pulled him down. Finally, Horace gave in. He bent down, his hands on either side of Will's face and tilting his chin upwards so their lips could meet. Hungry, curious, excited, desperate, their mouths clashed against each other.

They had hated each other. Despised each other. Bullied and fought each other. They had saved each other, again and again and again. And now, finally, they kissed each other.

On an abandoned courtyard, under a moonlit sky, accompanied by no one but a thousand stars, they kissed each other. One Ranger, standing on his tiptoes. One Knight, bending down. One passionate kiss. No rivalry. 

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