Ten things I love about you

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In which for once it's Will simping for his partner.


It was late when Alyss finally returned to the cabin. Her husband was already in bed, supposedly asleep, yet she could feel his eyes on her as she changed and crawled under the covers.


Will grinned. His teeth flashed in the small ray of moonlight that always snuck past their curtains.

"I love you."

Alyss pursed her lips thoughtfully. Rolling onto her side, arms under her head, she looked at her husband. Deviously, she said, "I've spent the whole day with men who told me the same thing. As if that would woo me into giving in to their demands. You have to be more specific, if you want to be even considered as competition."

Will's grin broadened.

"Alright. I love... that you keep your freezing feet on your own side of the bed."

Alyss laughed and playfully bumped against his shoulder.

"Shut up."

Will smiled, but continued.

"I love how you can tell me to shut up in more than two languages."

"Seven, to be exact. And three dialects."

He rolled his eyes at her.

"I love the way you can completely shut me out when you're talking about one of your assignments you're passionate about."

"I do not!" Alyss protested, but it was all in vain. She did. Will knew she did. He'd been subject to her ruthless focus more than once. But it didn't matter now (not that it ever did).

"I love how you always walk up straight, proudly, not hiding your height."

Pauline had taught her that, first day of her apprenticeship. Now, Will's hand reached out to her, gently tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I love how your very straight hair curls slightly after a long day."

He didn't care to mention that at least half of those curls were usually the result of his playing with her hair. Will seemed distracted by the strand, in awe of it. Yet he continued.

"I love that you'll always fly with me, but also pull me down onto the ground."

Alyss's hand covered his, softly squeezing it. She was a little taken aback by this prepared and yet so spontaneous list of his.

"You know I'm terrified of heights."

He smiled at her, his thumb tracing the lines of her face, his eyes focused on her mouth.

"I love that you don't make me go kayaking with you."

"As long as you never try to make me climb down a tower ever again."

She wouldn't have to. Will would break down the tower himself, stone by stone, if that meant getting her out. He almost had, years ago, and would do it again without giving it a moment's thought.

"I love the way that the colour of your eyes seems to change with your mood."

This evening, Alyss's eyes were a soft grey, yet they sparkled so much that they almost looked silver. Will could drown in those pools of liquid light. When he spoke again, his voice sounded a little hoarser than it had a few seconds earlier.

"I love that you agreed to spend the rest of your life with me."

"There's no way I would rather spend it," she whispered.

He smiled softly at that.

"But the thing I love most about you?"

Will's breath felt warm on her face. Neither of them had noticed that the space between them had gradually decreased as Will's list had progressed.

"It's that you're here with me."

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