fuck truck-kun and hello?

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Another fucking day.
Yep same old same old. Go to work, go home, feed my dog, and yada yada.

ugh it's sooo boring! Seriously I'm in my 30d's and the only thing I got is being a pencil pusher and dealing with bills.

Worst part is I recently got dumped too and what does she and her new boyfriend do? BREAK MY CAR! But I got them in jail tho so I'm happy just sucks I'm walking till I get time to go to a car dealership.

Besides that the only thing I got going on in my life is rewatching mha. Haven't been able to watch it and now everyone's been talking about its 5th season.

So fuckin hard to avoid spoilers.


Anyway so far I've gotten to season 3 where there moving into the dorms. I do remember some stuff about the eri rescue mission tho but not much can't for the life of me remember more depressed sasuke name.

Ugh screw you light turn alrrreeeeaaaddddyyy
Ah there we go

as I'm walking I see a bright light coming from my side and as I look I see.. "OOH FUC-"

"-K huh" I look around and see darkness wth... wait no I didn't um fuuuuuuuuuck I did shit what about (d/n) I don't want to leave him nuuuuuuuuuu (d/n) ;^;

Suddenly a bright blue screen appears in front of me saying You have died.

Selecting world for reincarnation
Done. World: my hero academy congratulations.
Ability being chosen now
Done. Ability: gamer system
Press yes when you want to begin the reincarnation


So I actually get so many other nerds dream huh the gamer system... this is going to be intresting so with no further ado I press yes

Wait why is it still black? Oh fuck is this gonna be one where I'm birthed? Fuuuck I don't want that.

"OH um hello w-who are you" I froze I wasn't expecting to hear a voice a child no less. I look behind me to see... kid izuku he's smaller than I thought. But damn that's a big head.

"H-hey what's wrong with my head and how do you know my name oh ARE YOU MY QURIK OMG I GOT MY QUIRK"

"Ugh um sorry but I uh Don't think I'm your quirk um crude um fuck I Don't think this should of happened um hi I'm (y/n) nice to meet ya I guess oh I was not prepared for this and now I'm rambling"

Then 2 screens appear this time but one for both of us

Welcome (y/n) (l/n) and izuku midoriya. I am your system. Due to a glitch you were sent to the wrong body (y/n) and were forced into izuku body. We are sorry but there's no way to fix this.

Welp guess this will be interesting... tho I have to deal with a child now

"HEY!" Izuku screamed

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