start of cannon/episode 1

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Currently we see a black void with 2 people sitting back to back. One with green hair and another with h/c. It pans up to show the whole earth.

Izuku: all men are not created equal.

the people in this world have evolved. to possess super natural abilities. otherwise know as quirks.

Along with quirks cam the change in how human society ran. Villains immediately appeared and attacked people, steal from any, and take over.

When this happen hero's began to show. Staring out with vigilantes but soon it turn into a government supported job where hero's took out villains and brought them to justice.




Y/n: BUUUUUUT this story ain't about those chumps.

The two stand up over lapping the earth with smiles on there faces

Y/n: I've been reincarnated to this world in this green bunny's body and with my will and some past memories we have trained and prepared to change this world and make it way safer than what it was. So,

Izu: this is a story. A story about us.

The two share a side hug as they stare directly forward at you all.

Y/n: our journey.

Everything begins darking out as a green star attached to a f/c star pass multiple different colored stars till it shines into a bright light of rainbow with black and white.

Both: of how we became the greatest hero!


Waking up with a light groan we see the resident Cinnamon roll waking up in his bed. He tiredly rubs his eyes as he hears a light knock on his door and a distant running water

Touya: yo brats ya up? Your gonna be late for school.

We flip around to see a tall light tan teen with red hair in a black sleeveless spandex suit with a blue dragon designe on the torso.

Izu: do I gotta?

Touya: if I have to deal with the cannibal you can deal with school.

Izu lazily opens his door to show he was already in his school uniform.

Touya: you don't realize how lucky you are to just equip you clothes

Izu gives a light shrug making a quirk remark of "gives no stats" before tiredly heading to the kitchen where he sees a green haired women setting out a simple breakfast

Inko: good morning kids! Guess I finally get to make breakfast for once in a blue moon.

Izu gives a quick yawn before sitting down

Izu: heh yeah.. we got a test and y/n wanted to make sure we got it figured out. He's still snoozing in dreamworld

Touya sat down next to izuku as inko comes and sets the 4 plates down on the table plates

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