time to annoy u.a!

744 21 22

-y/n control-

Y/n: and now we see the inclusive caterpillar that only rarely comes out his cocoon sitting on a rooftop in the dead of nig-

Y/n got his head covered in aizawa capture scarf

Y/n: :(

Aizawa: *sigh* why did I let you come?

Y/n: cuz you love us?

Aizawa: no that wasn't it


Y/n: meanie. Anyway jokes aside who are you targeting?

Aizawa: a drug dealer. He's just started but he's got other cases. The only reason I'm dealing with this instead of the police is that it's suspected he's partnering with a villain with a mind influencing quirk

Y/n: let me guess. The villain convince or tricks people to taking the drugs and they become addicted?

Aizawa: yep.

Y/n: want me to draw them out for ya?

The caterpillar man thinks for a moment before accepting the help surprising y/n but he imedently acted by floating into an alley. He immediately started his addicted act.

Y/n lightly shakes and puts on his best impression of bearly keeping it together. Through some sheer will he makes his pupils less dilated and forces his breathing a bit more heretic. This of course was thanks to a skill the dou recently bought but Aizawa was amazed by his acting already.

And so y/n started searching the streets with aizawa following close behind

Gotta love body change.

'Yeah. It's only level 2 but it's really cool'

Where do you think they will be?

'Well we know there in this area but we don't know how they-'

?: pst hey kid

Y/n: huh!?

Turning to the left in a hurry to try and keep up his act and succeed. He faced 2 men. One had light purple hair while the other had grey hair in a bun.

Y/n:  w-what do y-ya want I ain't got n-nothin

Suddenly y/n started losing focus.

? (Purple): you see. Me and my buddy got something you would love

Y/n: w-hat is it

'What's going on I feel so fuzzy'

Y/n get out of here! We're being influenced like you said earlier

Hearing izukus voice snapped me out of it to see that the grey hair was about to inject me with a needle. My instincts instantly hit the man with a fire ball in the face as I used air magic to lightly float backwards

Y/n: shit that was close!

A black blur fell from the top of the roof landing directly on the purple haired man

Eraser: you alright kid?

Y/n: yeah a bit startled there. Being under that dudes quirk was weird as hell.

Duck left!

Hearing izu command I did as he said narrowly avoiding some white shards. Looking where they came from it was the grey haired man who had his hands stuck out in front of him

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