we were kidnapped

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(This idea was slightly inspired by a story called crazy drunk mistake from stillwell03)

-izu pov-

I keep hearing a beep sound my body doesn't feel well it's hurting not that much but like multiple people were pinching all over my body


Wh- y/n what happened I can't see

Someone took us and injected us with something before I could take control it sealed ya in the dreamworld and I wasn't able to switch or use the system at all

Who would take us? And what did he use? Where are we?

No idea the guy was covering his face but it seems something to keep ya asleep it tried to force me in the dreamworld as well but I refused. I wasn't able to do much tho and I still feel weak.

I don't know really where they took us he put us in a bag while we were moving and I could see outside of that but he also set us in a trunk. After driving for a while I heard a weird elevator sound the he took us out of the bag.

It's like a underground lab or something. It isn't that nomu lab it's something else. There was a lot of organs and stuff around also plenty of scientists

How isn't it the nomu lab then

Because it's all quirkless. When a scientist stolled by the guy carrying us I was able to get a glimpse at his chart it was all about quirk experiments to quirkless people. It was all so fucked up.

Crud wait were they doing that to us

From what I saw not yet but they did put a lot of drugs in us keeping me from using the system. I don't understand how that's blocking my magic control though.

Well you said that using magic is using your brain right Mayne with the drugs it's messing you up a bit

Probably... ok can you try moving your body real quick. You have a sort of blindfold thing on

*I reached up and slowly removed the blindfold and let my eyes get used to the light and see I'm in a gaint chair. My sleep clothes are still on but there's plenty of needles things in my arms to my left is a heart monitor and to my right is a iv thing*

We should try escaping izu. We my be a bit weak but should be able to sneak around

and so I slowly got off the chair and got used to my weight again. I began walking to the closest door carefully and when through it we were in a large corridor

Y/n how long do you think it will be until we can used the system?

At the very least an hour most 2. when you woke up the system started to clean our body of the drugs

That's good since we don't know if we're going to be able to leave without a fight

Alright then though we should stick with stealth these people seem to have been doing this for awhile and seeing how similar it is to overhauls base then there has to be some kind of protection

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