welp systems screwed

800 27 23

Firstly to explain the song/youtube power. Basically when selected on the system and played in its speakers and if the video chosen is a music video then 2 things can happen. 1, it will make the player sing the song and if the song has a music video that has supernatural things happening on it then it will effect the world to have the same effect as long as the song is playing. 2, songs can also effect the player for example if the song has anger then it will make the player and others near him angry. Some songs can do there things like heal or buff the player or others that he consider allies hear it.


-with y/n and izu inside the mindscape-

Izu: what happened to it

Y/n: I don't know but I'm scared to know

Infront of the two was the system profile page but it was... weird

Names: izuku - (y/n)
Lv: -,%
Hp: 10,000
Mp: 20,000
Str: >:÷
Dex: ,$×
Int: /'c
Luck: k^g
Yen: 600,585
U.S: 0


Gamers mind

Gamers body


Silver tongue: the ability to lie effertlessly and nearly anyone will believe

Sneaky hand: like a magician you can do a lot with you hands able to pickpocket anyone.

Fire arms lv 8: you can easily use fire arms will only level up with knowledge of how to use them. (Pistol and shot gun mastered)

Karate max final black belt: a master but can still improve

Analysis lv max: from the secrets of quirks to the weaknesses of everyone you can figure it out pretty quickly. (Boosts observe)

Cinnamon roll: your adorable💕

Multilingual: can understand multiple languages like they were your main one (only Japanese, English, and Spanish can learn more with ease)

Terrify max: this can make opponents shake in their boots

Cooking max: your food rivals gods

Fire magic: create and control fire

Water magic: create and control water

Earth magic: create and control earth

Air magic: create and control air

Driving lv 50: able to drive cars and trucks (heavy equipment not learned)

Gymnastics lv 55: allows flexibility and control of you movements

Dancing lv 6: ... what you expect? (Gets a gaint boost when a song is being played with system)

Voice mimick lv max: can copy someone's voice perfectly

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