rest of year 1

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(OK so for how these years will work is simple I shall be writing about each or multiple years and what new things everyone has learned or random habits. then just throw in fun moments. I got 9 more years to come up with whatever shit I can put into this y/n and izu so imma try to use them. If y'all have a suggestion for an unique ability you can show me them there's just a couple of rules. 1 it cannot come from an anime but can be inspired by it. like making fire magic from fire bending while taking fire attacks or others to make it 2 no control abilities as much as I love them they won't be appearing for this y/n and izu cuz then why would they use anything else 3 no transformations again as cool as those are they only work in Manga and anime since you can see all the coolness of it. It's also why I'm not using armor in this story. 4 it can be a pet/familiar cuz those are sick and it will allow y/n a coping thing for losing his dog. Oh and you can suggest new powers for the others as well)


has just started gaining adult black belt in karate in a dojo a little bit away from his house. also finally found how the actual ranking is done before we were master brown belt

Is now at the point he can truly start training his muscles and strength mainly thanks to the system

Has been getting used to gymnastics and isn't against it but he doesn't fully love it

Izu has now gotten a taste for Alec Benjamin's music while he was messing around on youtube in the system. right now favorite song of his is waterfountain

After a lot of convincing from EVERYONE he finally has less all might around his room

Has started learning how to cook from y/n. No idea how but he burnt water. He said he was making holy water

Doesn't fully like the guess the Kat game. He Normally loses


Karate Is level orange. And is picking up karate at a very fast rate

Has been training his sweat glands by using boiling water but cannot do it long

Finds gymnastics annoying but fun. Has made it his personal goal to jump as high as another guy that's been doing crazy shit like stacking the equipment and seeing if he could jump it which he Normally could

Has been cursing a lot less thanks to some anger management tips y/n been providing him but can easily explode and Normally does

Has a goal of being a jet pack

Still wants to be number 1 hero but is ok with having society change so he shall "let" izu and y/n be no 1 for now but shall not make it easy

Is loving the guess the kat game with sis made

Ate the spiciest chip in the world and didn't so much as bat an eye. Now has a new goal from a dare by y/n to eat all the spiciest food in japan and all of the spiciest foods he knows how to make.

Hates people petting him. Yes y/n was nearly blown up a couple times

Did apologize to the kid he picked on before but izu forced him too


Thanks to y/n she found out she copies quirks as well when transformed

Slowly learning karate. Yellow belt

Is loving gymnastics and has been making friends there even befriending a certain alien and now has directions to a break dance studio

Has now eaten y/n blood and turned into him which made y/n put toga on his shoulders so the did a double stack t-pose

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