got fam

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-with y/n in the mindscape-

Shit fuck piss cuthulu damnit...

NEVER use fire and air magic on yourself at that same time. If it wasn't for it being the mindscape all of my hair would have burned off and I'd be uglier than deadpool.

Yep magics can be mixed together apparently and it fucking hurts if you do it wrong.

Anyway things have gotten interesting in the past... 2 weeks to say the least. To go over my list again

1. endevhoe is now in jail thanks to touya for spilling all the beans and rei since after she woke up in the hospital  we got Mr lie detector to get all the info out of her

2. neither of those 2 are getting custody of the kids. 1 is in prison and the other is staying for a bit it in the loony bin, But she should be let out soon to live a normal life thx to nezu. Her request to at least see her kids which was approved as long as a ... whatever those people were called I forgot. I think it's an esscort or something idk. They make sure the child is safe with the parent

3. We have a new bro and sister. Touya and fuyumi. Basically since neither of there other family wants them inko and the bakuparents were asked if we could take them since they already liked us. Of course they said yes and the children got to chose who they will normally stay with but can visit or stay with the others if they choose. Once touya and fuyumi saw inko and got to know her they called and literally said dibs. Heck inko gets a check to take care of them too. She also got one for the cat but I forgot about it.

4. And this is hilarious. Sho is literally attached to kat. Like he will not let go and it's hilarious to me. But seriously sho and natsuo are happy. Natsuo likes the 2 pomeranians and loves hanging with the softy. Sho loves it too but he at first had to get used to the yelling. And obviously the bakugos got a check for them to take care of the the additions.

5. I AM TIRED OF MAKING TRAINING PLANS. Seriously. Luckily it's only for touya and sho. They basically just joined up with us but I demand they went to therapy all of them.

6. Ow izu you idiot chew slowly that frickin hurt. You're trying to eat food not your tounge.

*y/n got up and began trying his magic again mainly fire magic*

7. Their happy. Genuinely happy. Also I realized I'm basically collecting lov members now so I need to find a twice, big sis, compress, mustard, and rip off leo (tmnt)

8. Spelling bee coming up. Yth do you have kids in kindergarten in spelling bees. Anyway I plan on trolling a lot of kids there by embarrassing anyone who misspelled a word.

9. I don't remember why I wrote a sign. I guess I felt proud or something

10. Touya keeps trying to steal my food. I'm still setting up his funeral.

11. Fuck hisashi he left and didn't care

OK my list wasn't exactly fully important but still

*y/n begins mixing the fire and air magic. The air magic making the fire magic even more powerful soon he had a gaint fire ball about 6ft*

I launched the fire ball at a gaint tree and it got incinerated. He didn't to do it again but add a bit of pazza to it by making it spilt before it hit the target making multiple smaller fire balls. Then remembering a certain biker bull from another favorite show of his  after the smaller fire balls hit the tree and made little dents he made the fire wrap around the trees and to test an idea with wind magic mage half of the tied trees suddenly get slice perfectly in about 8 pieces.

I an too good seriously I can take element form other shows and do them myself. Tho I still haven't figured out how to make lighting it's harder than it looks. The only reason I'm this good right now with what I just did is because of air magic. I can bearly make a fire ball the size of my head with just fire magic let alone shaping it like I do with air magic. The way this magic fully works is basically changing the state of our mana. The reason it's suggested to start off near the respected element is because it's let's your mana get used to that form for example solidity and gathering oxygen for air magic. For flame it's making a spark. It's kinda like the Wiseman grandchild but without all the thinking and more feeling how it works. Also it doesn't matter how much mana I pour into it it's basically like an activation thing where I start doing it and it won't waist mana unless I use different elements at the same time which gets costly since for each new element I start it cost extra mana.

Basically it requires a shit ton of mental control to use this. Hell I'm lucky I can use magic in here and out there. If I didn't put up that air box when I did kat would have got hurt. What I did was as it sounds basically made a box around endeavor so he couldn't move

Anyway everything's been sick. The family squad have been doing their training. Sho still a bit hesitant about using his fire but touya been helping him and we've been helping touya. Cuz


But seriously how in the balls do you sell a special potion that can change a certain immunity in your body. By using that touya body change to actually fit his quirk and he's been a monster at controlling it. Since he's older nezu allowed touya to train quirk control and he's has perfect quirk control. Me and nezu gave him a different version of the candle test rin did in blue Exorcist where he had to lit each candle. Some behind objects some moving even some right behind him. HE HIT EM ALL WITHOUT BURNING THE CANDLE.

Seriously he's a frickin beast and that's without looking at his power. All he really lacks is a personal fighting style he can rely on.

Anyway that's enough with talking about training time for the stupid and adorable shit that I didn't put In the list

Cat immediately liked fuyumi and one day after I got done talking to nezu while I was out I watched inko, misuki, toga, and fuyumi basically playing fashionshow with sho being the unfortunate runway model which made me laugh my ass off and got founded. They thought I'd be embarrassed but I FUCKING ROCKED IT (wished their were a snapping emoji) which earned respect from sho since I stole the show and allowed him to escape.


There was another time where we had another smash tournament. I swear natsuo frickin cheated. I got second tho and kat got third.


I've basically became main chef here. Yep I passed mama inko in cooking and became main chef. It's really to let inko relax and fuyumi helps me with cooking and I teach her somethings. One night touya tried to take a piece sasuge I was cooking and I bonked his head so hard he was seeing stars and a glimpse of where a certain grape midget will end up one day.


being a closet perv is hard in a kid body. Like seriously izu went to the dreamworld one night and toga was at a friend's house so I like my 30 year old self would do is try to look at various girls... yeah a kids body doesn't allow that. Hell I didn't even feel anything. But damn the categories in p hub got interesting. That was insane but didn't help my old soul.


So never try the pushup pyramid... don't question it


OK the katsuki jetpack didn't work... yet. yes we tried this the same day of the pushup pyramid. It was truly a sad day.

(Well time to start skipping years. Also I just realized I fucked up ages. So soon touya will be goin to u.a next year so technically right now touya is 14. So either pretend the natsuo and fuyumi are the same age as cannon or a year older it doesn't fully matter. Also I have already decided who shall be in class 1-a and I hate to say it shinso isn't but a new person who I haven't seen been put in is. No spoilers~)

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