you just got a letters~

213 11 2

In the chaotic household we see a semi peculiar sight.

Hung upside in Christmas lights was touya in a black tank top and bright blue shorts.

Himiko stood in front of him with a mischievous cat smile

Himiko: so you ready to talk or will I have to force you.

She was holding a comb in a reverse grip that had a sticky note that said "KNIFE"

Touya:... yeah that won't work in a real sense. Your just directly facing me. It would be better if you were hidden behind them with the knife grazing their skin. You should know considering you normally do that.

Himiko: what? I can't change it up a bit? But that doesn't matter.

The blonde cat points the brush at touya head

Himiko💢: now tell me where you hid it now!

She said gaining a dark aura while touya just looked tired.

Touya: Lil sis. Just because you can buy it don't mean you can use it. Your aren't allowed to use catnip anymore.

Himiko: AND WHY CAN'T I HUH?!?

From the other side of the house


Cutting to y/n we see him at the dinning room table cleaning and maintaining his shot gun. Tho now he began mumbling to themselve.

Y/n: still can't belive how powerful that catnip was on her.

We couldn't have know it was that powerful y/n.

Y/n: your only not disturb because it was the reason you two weren't virgins at 13. It was so weird having to watch it from inside the mindscape

I didn't have enough time to use the-

Y/n💢: yes you did but forgot too.

Finishing working on his shot gun, y/n puts it back into his inventory and pulling out 2 uzis and beginning to look over them before disassembling them to make sure each part worked.

Your non gun nuts are probably wondering why he's doing this right. Well you see unfortunately their system unlike others doesn't keep their items in a stasis like state and auto repair. Meaning y/n has to maintain his guns all the time so they properly function and don't break

Y/n: yknow izu. You ever wonder when those dicks will wake up?

The dicks he's talking about being ofa dormant quirks. They appeared in the mindscape inside trees however they have been asleep this entire time they haven't moved am inch at all or showed sighs of consciousness yet.

I really can't say. I've tried connecting to them but they haven't done anything.

Y/n: ... eh worrying about it won't do no good.

Suddenly inko. And I mean that literally as inko comes rushing inside the home holding 2 letters with u.a stamp!


2 ! Appears above y/n and toga as they run to her, y/n leaving his guns half finished on the table and himiko leaving touya who shouted "HEY"

Both arrived at the same time and yanked their respective letter before playing rock pepper and scissor. Y/n will never admit he lost and will say to his grave he let her get it

Tearing it open himiko set the device on the table and turned it on which were greated with

Holo-might: GREATINGS YOUNG HIMIKO! IT IS I ALL MIGHT! Saying that purely cuz they told me to

Himiko simply giggled at that while y/n and inko remained quiet

Holo-might: in your rescue test you worked effectively with you team mates and even lead them to rescue the hostage! The judges we had together leaved you a total of 72 points! Incredibly you actually scored the highest in rescue test!

Himiko smiled brightly while jumping up and down. Even hugging y/n who shared her excitement before -switch-ing to izu who gave her a big kiss on the cheek.

Holo-might: now then as you've already guessed. Welcome young himiko! To u.a!

The hologram finished while himiko was excitedly running around while izu was setting his up.


Obviously made y/n snicker.

Holo-might: I'll cut right to the chase! You have 234 villains points and 60 rescue points! However if the ones watching could they would've gave more! So good job you too you broke my record with 294 points!

Himiko jumped and knocked izuku over who laughed happily. Even though no one could see him y/n was doing a happy jig. All the work they did and having to deal with the teenage emotions again are finally payed off.

Holo-might: you have earned first place in the combat test by 1 point! This will make you the heroics representative! Congrats! And as I say these next words I wish you luck in the future! So welcome young gamers! TO U.A HIGH SCHOOL!!!

Inko at this point actually joined the hug pile as well. As she did izu just easily picked both of them up.

Going off them we move to the bakugo house hold where the whole family was celebrating.

Katsuki scored 226 points only getting penalized via destruction of property but that was 3 points.

Shoto however was depressed with his 60 points. He was unintentionally sabotaging the other competitors and making things harder for them to escape hus attacks. This removed all his villain points of 190. He was still let in however.


Yeah... sorry for not posting this story in a bit.

Anyway. I'm pretty sure I'm leaning on changing my plans for how the harem will work. Might even fully remove it and do a poly... which technically opens more options for me...

Eh I'll figure something out. Remember I like comments more then that star shit.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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