Not Letting Go

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"Kita, stay a minute we need to talk." Tsunade phrased it as a request but it was an order from the Hokage to one of her jonin, to be sure.

Kita paused and turned around. The room grew silent as the other jonin exited, leaving only the Godaime Hokage, her top aid, Shizune and Daigo Kita.

"This arrived for you today," the Godaime Hokage said, as Shizune passed a small notebook to the raven-haired ninja. Kita took the book opened it to a marked page and smiled. Tsunade continued, "I also received a letter of release from your senshi, so you are back home for good then?"

"Hai, Lady Tsunade."

"Are you sure life in the Leaf will be fulfilling enough for you now? You are not the same girl that left fifteen years ago and we are not the same village."

"The leaf is my home, my heart. My anchor is here. I am here to serve as long as you will have me."

Tsunade nodded and thought for a second, then asked, "What do you plan to do?"

"I have found a student, you are very familiar with her, Haruno Sakura. Her training began today."

"You didn't waste any time did you?" Tsunade did not try to hide her surprise. "She is part of one of my best teams. They've been through a lot of challenges and separations, I don't want you to inflict any more on them."

Kita nodded her understanding. The hokage remained silent, contemplative for a few moments.

"For the duration of your training, Sakura will remain a member of Team Kakashi. You will become an ad hoc member under Kakashi's leadership understand?"

Kita opened her mouth to protest, but the look on Tsunade's face brooked no interruption or argument.

"I want Sakura to continue to work with her team as you train her. As her skills grow, I want Team Kakashi's skill to grow with her. You can still train her as you see fit, but find a way to integrate her team. You and Sakura will both go on any missions the team receives and I expect you to take special A, S, or X missions as needed, just like any other jonin."

"Lady Tsunade," she began, "keeping Sakura an active member of Team Kakashi is understandable, but placing me as a junior to Kakashi is-"

"This is not up for debate," the Godaime Hokage cut the young ninja off sharply. "This is not about you or Kakashi or either of your egos. I don't want Sakura to have to go through proving herself like you did today, I am well aware of the sacrifices you've made and your loyalty to Konoha. But many here in the village will think that because you trained away from the Leaf Village, you are less than a Leaf ninja."

"It's too late to change the minds that are already made up, but going forward we have to do what is best for Sakura and your future students. This will also help you, no one will question what you say or do because Kakashi will back you up. Kakashi is a fair man; he'll listen and work with you because he's committed to his duty and to his team. Now the question is: can you be just as committed and at least 'play' the role of his second? Also do not take any further students without first consulting me - you are now a part of Team Kakashi, new kiraa students could be problematic."

It hurt to hear, but it was the truth. The Godaime Hokage's requests were more than reasonable and entirely too logical to argue with. Kita nodded her assent.

"Good, please inform Kakashi of my decision. Remember, he's the boss. You may go now."

Dismissed, Kita exited by the window, without another word. Kira never heard the short conversation that passed between Lady Tsunade and Shizune as she leapt from the roof.

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