Under The Light of The Moon

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Kakashi arrived first, home was one of the few places he actually entered by the door. He went into the bedroom and set the bag down on the bed. Then he turned, went back into the living room and sat on the couch reviewing the profiles of his teammates while he waited. Shortly after he opened Sai's thin file, Kita entered quietly through the window.

Kakashi looked up acknowledging her presence but said nothing, then went back to the file. Kita walked into the bedroom and began unpacking. Sometime after she had left, Kakashi had made room for her in the dresser and closet. He actually made more room than she needed.

As Kita placed the last of her clothes in the drawer, Kakashi walked up behind her capturing her tightly in his embrace.

"Welcome home," he breathed into her ear as his hands played across the smooth soft plane of her stomach. "So are you still mad? Do we need to talk about it?" he asked gently not wanting to ruin the moment.

Kita leaned back into his muscular embrace, taking a moment to enjoy the feel of his body next to hers then she stepped away headed into the bathroom. Over her shoulder she told him, "We had a hard workout today, I should shower before dinner."

Kakashi watched the door close behind her, and thought for a second - he wasn't really that hungry. Undoing his headband, he placed it on top of the chest. He suddenly felt the need to take a shower.

The group of teens lounged in various seats around the Inuzuka compound. Kiba's mother, Tsume, had treated them to a true feast. Everyone was feeling full and happy, so much so, it only took a small amount of prodding from Hinata to convince Kiba to bring out the karaoke machine.

Having been gone for two plus years, Naruto had no way of knowing that Kiba and Lee had become Karaoke gods among their friends. The two nin did a better than passing duet of the power ballad 'Kizuna'. Hinata swooned every time Kiba sang a verse and pointed to her. Lee ever the optimist, directed his attentions toward Sakura. Sakura thought Lee was quite good and laughed at his attempts to flirt, but Naruto found himself becoming more and more irritated with the Taijutsu master. Luckily for Sakura, Naruto's irritation manifested itself as possessiveness. Every time Lee tried to serenade Sakura, Naruto would pull her closer or hold her hand, softly stroking her fingers with his own. Needless to say, Sakura was pleasantly lost in all of the romantic attention, enjoying his closeness and touch. Heck everyone there except Lee seemed to understand that it was official: Naruto and Sakura were the newest couple in the Leaf.

"Damn," groused Shikamaru, looking away from the all too open display of affection. He was leaned against a tree, just outside the cluster of the remaining 'singles'.

Curious, Sai asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Shikamaru replied, "First Kiba, now Naruto...next thing you know Choji will get sucked in by some troublesome female."

Still eating, Choji smiled around a mouth full of food and offered, "Don't worry Shikamaru, I'm not falling anytime too soon, all the girls in the leaf are too thin for my tastes. I need a woman with more meat on her bones. I figure it could take a while to find just the right girl. But we're supposed to visit my mom's relatives next summer and my dad swears the girls in her village are more 'substantial'...you never know, I could get lucky like my dad and bring home the perfect girl."

"Ugh, see? Even Choji is planning for his eventual demise."

"You make it sound like a bad thing! I think it's cute, they look so in love," Ino interjected with the dreamy look of a female obviously waiting for her prince charming.

"Love - ha! Love is problematic, it's going to affect their training and focus. Wait and see. This doesn't bode well. They should have at least waited until they were jounin and at the top of their form before adding troublesome distractions."

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