Day 1 - Seizures

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It had been a long day. They had an English test in the morning then quirk sparring with All Might and then Aizawa decided to run a drill in the afternoon so most of class 1A was battered, bruised and exhausted. Most were showering or having a bit of quiet time in their rooms before dinner was ready. A few were gathered together around the kitchen and dining tables chatting. Midoriya was resting in one of the bean bags in the common room scrolling through his phone. He was reading a new article about a villain fight and a new hero who had made herself known. 'Mido-kun! Dinner is ready!' Mina called out from the kitchen. He quickly got up but froze next to the bean bag. His head was spinning slightly and his mind was fuzzing in and out. 

Mina looked around the tables and at the students walking down the stairs to the dining table. She noticed that a certain green-haired boy was missing. She nudged Kirishima and whispered to him. They made their way to the common room and spotted Midoriya standing next to the bean bag and the couch. 'Midoriya! Did you not hear us? Dinner is ready' Kirishima says as they walk towards him. Midoriya's back was facing them but Mina could see droplets of blood on the carpet in front of him. 'Mido! Are you bleeding?' Mina says as she rushed to his side. 'Mido?' Mina questions as she gets a look at his face. Bloody saliva was dripping down his chin, foam was gathering around his mouth and his eyes were rolling back into his head. Kirishima was soon by Mina's side and now that they were closer they could hear a small high pitched whine coming from him. Kirishima reached out to grab his shoulder as Midoriya's body fell to the ground. 'KATSUKI! DENKI! SERO! WE NEED HELP!' Mina yelled as she watched Midoriya's body begin to convulse on the floor. 'He's seizing!' Kirishima yelled as the trio ran into the common room. Kirishima and Bakugou focused on moving the couch away from their friend's body while Sero and Denki moved the bean bags and table. Mina sat beside him watching her phone timer. Other students began to file into the lounge to see what all the commotion was about. Jirou was quick to push them back into the kitchen to give the group some privacy. The group sat around Midoriya giving him some space. 'Do we call an ambulance?' Mina questioned. 'I think so. This is his first seizure that I know of' Sero commented. 'We don't need to call an ambulance. It's not his first seizure. Someone needs to go get Aizawa though' Bakugou mentioned. 'I'll go get Aizawa!' Sero says as he gets up. 'How long has his seizure been going for now?' Bakugou questioned. '2 minutes and 58 seconds' Mina says. 'Now. What do you mean this isn't his first seizure?' Denki questions. 'He's had seizures since he was little. He's had 3 since we started UA, twice in front of me and once with Aizawa. He just didn't want to tell anyone' Bakugou says. 'Wish he would've told everyone so he doesn't make people panic when they happen' Bakugou mumbles. 'Even if I did know I still would've panicked. At least those first aid we had to do when we started UA came in handy' Kirishima says. Sero walks back in with Aizawa beside him. Aizawa takes in the sight of his students sitting around Midoriya's seizing body. 'How long has he been convulsing?' Aizawa says standing in the doorway while Denki joins his friends. '5 minutes and 4 seconds' Mina says looking at her phone timer. 'Okay. Someone needs to call an ambulance and explain that Midoriya has been convulsing for over 5 minutes and that he has a history of seizures' Aizawa explains. 'I'll do it' Bakugou says as he grabs his phone and heads to the door. Aizawa watches him leave and pulls his attention back to Midoriya. His seizure is finally starting to die down. He watches his students begin to tend to their classmate. Kirishima and Denki quickly roll him onto his side and pull his leg and arm out so he doesn't fall. Kirishima pulls his head up and opens his mouth. He checks his breathing and Mina returns with a blanket. She throws the blanket over his body and sits beside his head, gently running her fingers through his curls. They sit like that for a few minutes before Mina moves. She hits his collarbone with a small amount of force, watching for a reaction. 'Midoriya?' Mina calls. 'Midoriya?' she calls again. He doesn't respond so she sits back down and continues patting his hair. Bakugou comes back in and stands next to Aizawa. 'The ambulance is about 10 minutes away. How is he?' Bakugou questions. 'He's stopped seizing. We're just waiting for him to respond' Kirishima says as Mina gets back up and taps his collar bone again. 'Midoriya?' Mina questions. She watches as his face scrunches up at the pain. 'That's a good sign. Hopefully, he will wake up soon' Mina says as she sits back down. 

They wait in silence until Midoriya starts to stir. 'Midoriya? Are you waking up?' Mina questions as Midoriya's eyes open. Midoriya tries to push himself up and Kirishima helps. 'Hey Midoriya... Do you know where you are?' Mina questions. 'Common room. Dorms' Midoriya mumbles. 'Do you know who we are?' Sero questions. 'Sero, Mina, Denki, Kirishima, Sensei, Kacchan' Midoriya mumbles again. 'Do you know what happened?' Bakugou questions as he sits down in front of Midoriya as he shakes his head softly. 'You had another seizure. We had to call an ambulance' Bakugou explains. 'Infront... everyone?' Midoriya questions. 'Yeah, in front of everyone but it's okay' Bakugou says as Midoriya leans into his chest. 'Hey, come on. You know the drill. Keep your eyes open. Keep looking at me. I know you're tired but stay with me' Bakugou mumbles. Midoriya pushes his head up to look him in the eyes. The paramedics enter with Iida and quickly make their way over to Izuku. The group back away as the paramedics pull out equipment and hook it to Izuku. Everyone waits in silence until the paramedics finish their observations. 'He is okay. His heart and breathing sound fine. We don't think there is any need to take him to the hospital. He should get plenty of rest though' the paramedic says as they pack up their stuff. Bakugou helps Midoriya off of the floor and helps him to the kitchen. 'Do you think you can eat a little before I help you up to the rooms?' Bakugou questions as everyone grabs their dinner. Midoriya gives a small nod and Bakugou heads to the fridge. He grabs a small pot of yogurt and sits next to Midoriya. He hands a spoon to Midoriya who shakily grabs it. He eats slowly, watching the group munch away on their cold udon. 'I'm sorry' Midoriya says with a sigh. 'What for Midobro?' Kirishima questions. 'You guys had to help me and that would've been traumatic for you' Midoriya mumbles. 'We fight villains every week. A seizure isn't that traumatic' Sero says. 'Plus it was good first aid training! Although you should probably wipe the blood off of your chin' Denki says. 'The blood! We need to soak the carpet to get the blood out!' Mina says. 'Don't worry about that. The cleaners will take care of that tomorrow' Aizawa says, giving most of the group a fright (They forgot he was standing there, listening). 'Oh okay' Mina sighs. 'Are you finished Deku?' Bakugou questions when he notices Midoriya stopped eating his yogurt. 'Um. Yeah' Midoriya mumbles. 'Okay. I'll help you up to my room' Bakugou says getting up. 'I can sleep in my own room Kacchan' Midoriya mumbles rubbing his eyes. 'You know the drill Izuku. You either sleep in my room or you spend the night in the hospital wing with Recovery Girl. Your choice...' Bakugou says. 'Fine...' Midoriya mumbles as Bakugou helps him up. The group walk towards the elevator after saying goodnight to Aizawa. The elevator stops on every floor and Bakugou and Midoriya say goodnight to their friends. Bakugou and Midoriya walk to Bakugou's room and he swings the door open. He gets Midoriya into bed and gets in beside him. 'I wish they didn't see me' Midoriya mumbles. 'They were going to find out anyway. Better now than during a villain attack' Bakugou says. 'Now. Get some sleep. You must be exhausted' Bakugou whispers watching Midoriya's eyes close. Midoriya hums in response. 'Good night Izuku' Bakugou mumbles as he turns the lamp off. 

31 days of first aid with Midoriya IzukuWhere stories live. Discover now