Day 6 - Choking

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'Don't forget that your essays on heroic laws are due in at the end of the week' Aizawa says as the class packs up for lunch. They stuff their papers and writing gear into their backpacks and grab their cases containing their costumes. They had training directly after lunch and wouldn't have time to grab their costumes before they had to go to gym alpha. Izuku swung his backpack over his shoulders before heading to the cafeteria with Uraraka, Iida and Todoroki. They placed their gear at their normal table before grabbing a tray. 'Lunch rush always makes the best food!' Uraraka says excitedly as they line up to get food. 'Yeah, I think he's making tempura again on Friday. That was so good!' Midoriya says. 'I like his cold soba. It's almost as good as Fuyumi's' Todoroki comments. 'It is good that he has such a healthy range of options for everyone' Iida says. Midoriya and Iida grab a bowl of udon while Todoroki gets some cold soba and Uraraka grabs some sashimi. They grab a few small snacks to share before heading back to their table. They sit down at their table, putting their snacks to the side and digging into their lunches. 'All Might says we are doing disaster training in the USJ today' Uraraka says as she looks at the class group chat. 'I hope I get placed in the ruins zone so I can work on fine-tuning my reflexes' Midoriya says. 'I think All Might will put me in the downpour zone so I will have to rely less on my quirk' Todoroki says. 'All Might discussed putting me in the conflagration zone so I can learn to control the different speeds of my quirk. He thinks the fire will help motivate me to keep control' Iida says. 'I hope he puts me in the flood zone. I've been working on levitating small amounts of water that can be used as a distraction and I want to try it on larger bodies of water' Uraraka says excitedly. 'Whoa! I didn't know you could do that Uraraka!' Midoriya says excitedly. 'Yeah, I didn't know either. I thought that I could only levitate items that I could touch but Aizawa is helping me expand that' Uraraka says. They finish up their lunch and put the snacks in the middle of the table. Todoroki munches on some pocky while Midoriya and Uraraka eat some mochi. 'We will need to leave soon in order to be at gym Alpha on time' Iida says as Midoriya begins to cough. The coughing quickly stops and is instead replaced with chocked breaths. Midoriya hands wrap around his neck as he begins to choke. 'Iida! He's choking!' Uraraka yells as she watches her friend desperately try to breathe. Iida quickly stands and moves to where Midoriya is seated. He puts his arm around his friend and slams his hand into Midoriya's back. He quickly checks to see if Midoriya is still choking and repeats the action. Iida slams his back a third time and Midoriya starts to cough. Uraraka holds a serviette in her hand as Deku spits the piece of mochi into it. 'Are you okay now Midoriya' Iida questions. 'Yeah... Thanks...' Midoriya says out of breath as he moves his shoulders to try and relieve the stinging pain from Iida's slaps. 'I apologise if I hurt you' Iida says. 'It's okay Iida. You stopped me chocking' Midoriya says. They all sit in silence waiting for Midoriya to catch his breath and for Todoroki to empty the table. 'Should we get going?' Uraraka questions after a while. 'Yeah' Midoriya says as he grabs his bag. They all grab their stuff and head to gym Alpha.

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