Day 15 - Stroke

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Denki jumped up onto the couch, nerf gun raised above his head. 'I declare a nerf war!' Denki screams before falling of the couch and scattering to hide behind it. Everyone dives for the bins containing the nerf guns hidden around the room. Kirishima and Sero sprint across the room towards the stair case, each wielding 2 fully loaded guns. They get to the top of the stair case and hold their guns up victoriously. 'We have the high ground!' Kirishima yells before they both duck behind the banister. Bakugou fires the first shot, standing on one of the kitchen tables that is beginning to concave under his weight. 'Come and get me fuckers!' Bakugou yells as he shoots towards where Denki is hiding. Midoriya, Shinsou and Mina are hiding behind the kitchen counter, peering over every so often and firing towards those that aren't hiding. Midoriya hits Shouji in one of his extra limbs from his hiding spot behind the door. Next to get hit is Denki. He gets shot in the face. He dramatically drops to the floor and pretends to be bleeding out. 'I've been shot! Tell my family I love them' Denki fake coughs. 'Don't be so dramatic dunce face' Bakugou says as he shoots him in the chest. 

'Are you okay Midoriya?' Shinsou questions, shielding him from the onslaught of foam bullets. ' I can't s-see' Midoriya stutters. 'Let's get you over to the couch' Shinsou says helping Midoriya up off the floor. Midoriya stumbles forward and Shinsou is quickly infront of him, holding him up while taking small steps. 'I call a time out!' Shinsou yells getting everyone's attention. Soon all eyes were on him and Midoriya. Midoriya swayed as he stumbled towards the living room, threatening to fall with every step. 'Shinsou, I'm dizzy' Midoriya mutters. 'It's okay. We'll get you laid down and hopefully it'll go away' Shinsou says softly, trying to keep Midoriya calm. They finally make it to the living room and Shinsou carefully help Midoriya sit down on the couch. Midoriya is shaking and slightly panicked. 

'Look at me Midoriya' Shinsou says trying to calm Midoriya down. Midoriya turns to him slowly and Shinsou watches his eyes as one looks lazy. 'Follow my finger Midoriya' Shinsou says holding up a finger and slowly moves it left to right. His right eye follows the finger while his left eye stays fixated in the same place. 'How's your eye sight?' Shinsou questions. ' I can't see anything out of my left eye' Midoriya says panicked. 'Someone go find Aizawa' Shinsou calls out as Iida sprints towards the door. He was probably the best choice to go. Midoriya leans sideways, resting his head on Shinsou's shoulder. Shinsou pats his hair softly. Most of the common room is empty now, students choosing to head to the dorms to give them space except for a few nosy students. 

They sit like that for a while, Shinsou hoping this would pass while Midoriya stared off into space. Soon, Aizawa and Iida return. Aizawa rushes to the couch, sitting in front of Midoriya. He gently pulls Midoriya's head up to look at him. 'How are you feeling kid?' Aizawa questions. 'Not good' Midoriya mutters. 'What's wrong specifically' Aizawa questions. 'I-i can't s-see, my arm feels n-numb and m-my head h-hurts really b-bad' Midoriya stutters. 'Stand up for me' Aizawa says holding his hands out to help Midoriya up. It takes a minute for Midoriya to grab Aizawa's hands. He stands up wobbly, using Aizawa to hold him up. Aizawa takes in the way Midoriya wobbles and seems unsteady on his feet, like he could fall at any minute. Aizawa helps him sit back down. 'Repeat after me. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' Aizawa says. 'T-the quit round box jumpssssss-' Midoriya trails off. 'Smile for me' Aizawa says as Midoriya tries to smile. One side of his face drops down and even his eyelid is drooped. How could Aizawa have missed that? 'Arms up kid' Aizawa says as Midoriya holds his arms up. His left arm slowly falls back down to his side. 'Shinsou, call an ambulance! He's having a stroke' Aizawa barks out. 'Let's lay you down kid' Aizawa says gently pushing him to lay on his side. Aizawa places a pillow under his head to keep his head raised. 'The ambulance is on it's way' Shinsou says urgently. Aizawa unbutton the top buttons of Midoriya's shirt so it isn't tight around his neck, watching to make sure Midoriya stays conscious. 

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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