Day 2 - Asthma

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Izuku kicked Shinsou in the stomach before grabbing his wrists and pinning him to the ground. '2 minutes 38 seconds' Uraraka calls. 'That's a new best' Shinsou says as Midoriya lets go of his wrists and take a few steps back. 'Hey, You okay? You sound wheezy' Shinsou questions. 'Yeah... I'll be fine... Just out of breath...' Midoriya says between gasps of air before heading over to a nearby bench. Shinsou and Uraraka stand to the side talking about improvements. 'I think if you dodged his second attack to the left and then you could come in with a counter attack...' Uraraka says while watching everyone else spar. 'Yeah. Do you think I should've dodged to the right instead of left when he threw that second punch' Shinsou questions. 'You could've but I don't think it would've made much of a difference. His reflexes are too fast' Uraraka replies. They were going to continue their analysis when their thoughts were interrupted by a sudden burst of coughing and gasped breaths. Both their heads turn towards Izuku who has one hand clutching onto his shirt and is coughing violently. His body is shaking slightly and what little breaths he can get in between his coughing is wheezy. 'Izuku? Are you okay?' Uraraka calls out. Shinsou and Uraraka begin to walk over to where he's seated when he doesn't respond. The closer Shinsou gets to Midoriya, the more his panic rises. He's sucking his chest in and he's obviously not taking in air. 'Aizawa!' Shinsou calls out getting the teachers attention. 'Can you grab his inhaler and spacer from his bag in the bathroom' Shinsou questions. 'What's happening?' Uraraka questions. 'He's having an asthma attack' Shinsou says and Uraraka runs to the locker room. 'Is he okay?' Aizawa questions as Shinsou throws his UA jacket over Izuku's shivering body. 'He's having an asthma attack. He can't breathe' Shinsou replies. 'Hey Izuku. Can you hear me?' Shinsou questions as Izuku's panic-filled eyes meet his tired ones. 'Yeah-' Izuku mumbles between small gasps. 'It'll all be okay. Uraraka's gone to get your inhaler' Shinsou comforts. 'Cold-' Midoriya mumbles. 'I know. I've put my jacket over you' Shinsou comforts as Midoriya starts to cough again. 

Uraraka rushes back into the gym holding Izuku's inhaler and spacer. She hands it to Shinsou and he puts it together. He holds the spacer up to Izuku's mouth and Midoriya puts it in his mouth. 'Deep breath' Shinsou says as he pumps the inhaler once. They sit in silence listening to Izuku's slow, wheezy breaths. Shinsou counts the breaths. 1,2,3,4,5,6... He pumps the inhaler again. 1,2,3,4,5,6... Shinsou pumps the inhaler until they reach 6 pumps making sure Izuku is breathing at least 6 times each pump. 'His lips are blue...' Uraraka says. 'So are his fingertips. There isn't enough oxygenated blood getting around his body' Shinsou says as he watching Izuku still struggling to breathe.  Izuku slumps in on himself still gasping for air. 'Come on Izuku. Sit up' Shinsou says as he leans Izuku against him. 'How long has it been since we gave him his inhaler' Shinsou questions Uraraka. '4 minutes' Uraraka replies. Shinsou turns back to Midoriya. 'How are you feeling Izuku?' Shinsou questions. 'no breathe...' Midoriya mumbles. 'I know. Just keep trying' Shinsou says. Uraraka, Shinsou and Midoriya sit in almost silence apart from the distant sounds of quirk training and Midoriya's wheezing. 'How long has it been now' Shinsou questions. '6 minutes' Uraraka replies. 'Good he can have another lot of his inhaler' Shinsou replies holding the spacer back up to Midoriya's mouth. Shinsou pumps it once, counting Midoriya's breaths. Another 6 doses and Midoriya's breathing sounds better, still bad but better. 'How many times can he use his inhaler?' Uraraka questions. '6 puffs, 6 breaths every puff and wait 6 minutes after 6 puffs. He can have as many doses as necessary. You can't really overdose on an inhaler' Shinsou explains. They continue the cycle for another 4 doses and Midoriya's breathing clears up almost fully. The colour has returned to his lips and fingertips and his skin is less pale. 'How are you feeling now Midoriya?' Shinsou questions. 'Better... Sorry. I should've had my inhaler on hand' Midoriya says. 'It's okay' Shinsou mumbles. 'Give me 5 minutes and we can have another spar' Midoriya says trying to get up off the bench. 'Only you would try and spar after an asthma attack. No, grab your gear. We're going back to the dorms' Shinsou says as he helps Midoriya up. 'Nooooo' Midoriya whines, 'I can still train!'. 'Too bad. We're going back to the dorms and you're resting' Shinsou says as Uraraka hands him Midoriya's training bag. 'Fine...' Midoriya mumbles as they make their way back to the dorms.

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