Day 12 - Head Injury

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'Midoriya. Please sit back down while we are driving' Iida says watching as Midoriya peers over the front seat to talk to his friends. 'It's fine Iida. I'm wearing my seatbelt' Midoriya smiles going back to talking with Shinsou and Denki. The van was packed with students, chatting loudly. Midoriya had claimed the front seat despite an extensive argument between a few of the students. He had jumped in the front seat while everyone was arguing and locked the door before anyone could stop him. He laughed as Mina pulled out the door trying to drag him out of the front seat. Soon they admitted defeat and resigned to the back of the van. 

'So, anyways, Aizawa said we were going to give us another quirk apprehension test next week to see how far we've come with our quirks' Midoriya says. 'Another one? Feels like we only had one yesterday' Denki sighs. 'This will be my first quirk apprehension test' Shinsou says. 'Oh really? They're really easy' Midoriya says. 'You could probably just brainwash the strongest person in the class and make them do the test for you. You know, show off your quirk' Denki joked. 'Maybe i'll brainwash you' Shinsou laughs looking up at Midoriya. 'As if you could brainwash me. I can break out, remember' Midoriya laughs. 'Good point, I'll just brainwash Bakugou instead' Shinsou says loud enough for the blonde to hear. 'As if you could brain freak' Bakugou yells. 

'Watch out!' Mina yells as a car crosses the center line and Bakugou swerves to try avoid the car. Time seemed to slow down as the tires skid across the asphalt creating a horrible noise and the car gets closer and closer. If you ask class 1A, it was like something out of a horror movie. The car smashed into the right side of the van, where Midoriya was sitting. The sudden impact jolted everyone forward, some banging their heads on the seat in front of them. 

The airbags went off in the front and the car horn honked loudly. The front window and passenger window were shattered, spraying the front seats with glass fragments. Bakugou lifted his head groggily as he watched the car that had hit them speed away from them. They wouldn't get far, their car seemed in bad condition. 'I- Is everyone okay?' Hagakure called out. Everyone muttered among themselves, still high with adrenaline. 

'Shinsou! You're bleeding!' Denki says loudly causing a few students to look over. 'It's okay man, It's just a bot of blood' Shinsou says as he feels the gash on his head. It was only superficial, he would be fine. Bakugou look across to where Midoriya was sitting. He had taken the majority of the crash. 'Deku?' Bakugou says, reaching over to where Midoriya was slumped over. 

'Is Midoriya okay?' Kirishima called out. 'I don't know' Bakugou says as he looks out the front window. Smoke was starting to billow from the engine. 'Everyone out!' Bakugou yelled as everyone quickly piled out of the van. Someone help me get Deku out!' Bakugou yelled as Sero came running over. They pried Midoriya's door open, carefully lifting the boy out. 

Sero held his head to keep it as still as possible. They laid him on the ground Sero holding his head to the side so Midoriya wouldn't able to move. 'Someone call an ambulance and the police quickly!' Bakugou calls out. Soon he can hear someone talking on the phone to who he assumes is 911. 

Midoriya groaned as he woke up. 'W-what happened' Midoriya questioned looking up at Katsuki who was bent over him. 'We were in a crash Deku' Bakugou says as he feels up Midoriya's legs for injuries. Midoriya began to close his eyes again. 'Hey, stay awake nerd' Bakugou says. 'I have a headache' Midoriya mumbles. 

'I know, just stay awake for us and don't move' Bakugou says. 'Sero, talk to him' Bakugou says as he continues to check his body. 'Do you remember what happened?' Sero questioned. 'We were going to the mall' Midoriya says. 'Why were we going to the mall?' Sero questions. 'It's our weekly food shopping and the girls wanted to get new swimsuits for summer' Midoriya answers. 'Good job Midoriya' Sero says. 

'Can you feel this Deku?' Bakugou questions as he runs his hand up Midoriya's left leg. 'N-no' Midoriya says. Bakugou pinches his foot. 'Can you feel that?' Bakugou questions. 'No. Is that bad?' Midoriya questions panicked trying to look up at Bakugou. Sero holds him down firmly. 'Stay still' Sero says quietly trying to sooth Midoriya. Bakugou pinches his right foot. 'How about this?' Bakugou says. 'I can feel that' Midoriya sighs. 

Bakugou moves up to his left arm brushing his hand up and down his forearm. 'Can you feel that?' Bakugou questions. 'No' Midoriya says. 'Do you remember knocking your head on the dashboard when we crashed?' Bakugou questions. 'I-I don't know' Midoriya says starting to panick again. 'Calm down Midoriya' Sero says as Midoriya brings his hand up to his head and closes his eyes. 'What's wrong Deku. Talk to me' Bakugou says. 'H-headache' Midoriya mutters. 

Bakugou pulls out his phone and turns the flashlight on. 'Stay still Deku, okay?' Bakugou says and Midoriya tries to nod. Bakugou holds the flashlight infront of his right eye, watching it constrict. He shines the light into his left eye and nothing happens. Bakugou notes the way Midoriya's skin seems to pale. 'He's going downhill fast. How far away is the ambulance!?' Bakugou yells. 'Should be here any minute now' Kirishima calls out. 

Midoriya bring his hand up to his nose, noticing blood on his hands. 'Is my nose bleeding?' Midoriya questions, wiping his nose again. Bakugou looks at Midoriya's hands and at the blood dripping down the side of his face. 'It's okay Deku' Bakugou says as someone hands him a tissue and he hold Midoriya's nose. He can hear the distant sound of the ambulance sirens. Sighing in relief. 

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