Day 8 - Bee Sting

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3rd Person POV

'Don't forget your papers that are due at the end of the week. I recommend you get a head start on them instead of trying to do it the night before it's due' Aizawa says. The students begin to pack their books, notes and other equipment back into their backpacks. Some sort it and put it in carefully while other cram scrunched up papers and pencils into their bags. 'Class dismissed' Aizawa says and the room fills with the screeching of chairs against the floor and chatter. The class make their way down the halls as a group and out the gate before breaking apart to chat on their walk back to the dorms. Kirishima runs to catch up with Midoriya who is looking towards the group in front of him. 

'Hey Midobro!' Kirishima calls out and Midoriya stops walking to let him catch up. 'Hey Kirishima!' Midoriya says happily. 'So what are you up to for the weekend?' Kirishima questions. 'Oh. I'm just going to stay at the dorms this weekend. I was planning on going to the new cat cafe and get a coffee while I play with the cats' Midoriya explains. 'Oh really? Do you know how many cats they have?' Kirishima questions. 'I think the website said 14. Most of them are ragdoll cats. They're really fluffy and soft' Midoriya answers. 'Cool! We will have to go there for a study session sometime' Kirishima laughs. 'So, what are you doing for the weekend?' Midoriya questions. 'Me and my mums are going to the new mall on Sunday. They just moved into a new house and their missing some stuff but otherwise I'll probably stay at the dorms too' Kirishima says and Midoriya smiles at him. 

They're passing through the flower gardens and a few classmates are looking around at the newly bloomed flowers. 'Hey, Kiri' Midoriya says and Kirishima turns to him. 'That flower is the same colour as your hair' Midoriya says pointing to a small bright red flower in a garden bed. 'Yeah it is' Kirishima laughs. Kirishima is about to say something when he's interrupted by screaming and laughing. 'There's a bee!' Denki yells, running far from the group. The bee flies around the group.  Some freeze, some run and some seem completely unfazed. 

The bee flies over to where Kirishima and Midoriya are standing, laughing at the group. Kirishima freezes while Midoriya swats at the bee, trying to get it to move on. It flies erratically around them before stinging Midoriya in the arm. 'Ow' Midoriya says. It barely hurts to him but Kirishima is all over him. 'Are you okay? Did it sting you!?' Kirishima says as Midoriya holds up his arm with the stinger sticking out. 'Uh, hold on' Kirishima says as he digs through his bag. He pulls out a ruler and flicks the stinger out of Midoriya's arm. He shoves the ruler back into his bag and looks up at Midoriya. 'Let's get you back to the dorms' Kirishima says as they start walking. 

'Is it painful?' Kirishima questions as the dorms come into view. 'Not really. I can barely feel it. I have a really high pain tolerance' Midoriya says, shrugging. 'Damn. I would be crying' Kirishima laughs. They finally arrive at the dorms and Kirishima ushers Midoriya onto the couch. 'Sit with your arm elevated' Kirishima says as Midoriya lies down on the couch and Kirishima stuffs pillows under his arm. He goes into the kitchen and opens the freezer, grabbing an ice pack. He grabs a cloth and wraps the cloth around the ice pack before heading back to the common room. 

'How are you feeling?' Kirishima questions. 'I feel fine. There is no need for this' Midoriya laughs. 'Oh well, you still have to rest' Kirishima says as he sits down beside Midoriya. He hold the ice pack against Midoriya's arm and Midoriya shivers. 'What's the ice pack for?' Midoriya questions. 'It helps to reduce swelling and pain' Kirishima says. 'Oh' Midoirya says softly. 'Should we watch a movie?' Kirishima questions. 'Okay, what do you want to watch?' Midoriya questions. 'How about the new All Might movie?' Kirishima says watching as Midoriya's eyes light up in excitement. He puts it on the TV and Midoriya moves slightly, placing his head on Kirishima's thigh. 'You comfy?' Kirishima smile and Midoriya gives a small nod. They stay curled up on the couch during the entire movie, the class deciding not to bother the two.

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