Day 5 - Overdose

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Izuku was in pain. He was usually in pain but this was different. He was always aware of the dull aches in his hands or how his joints felt stiff when it was cold. He was aware of it but now his bones felt like they would snap if he moved, his joints felt like they were locked in place and his hands felt like they were being stabbed with burning needles. He was in his room, his phone sitting beside him. He hadn't left since they got back almost 2 hours ago. He was supposed to go out with his friends tonight before they go home for the weekend but he couldn't find the energy to get off his bed. No one came to get him anyway. They probably assumed he was tired from training today. He slowly pulled himself upright, flinching at the pain. He slowly walked to his drawers and rummaged through all his medication. He grabbed a bottle of painkillers that Recovery Girl gave him after the sports festival. He popped one in his mouth and swallowed, and another and another. He didn't think about the warning on the bottle or what Recovery Girl had said about it. His only thought was medication will make the pain go away. He didn't notice when he could see the bottom of the bottle. He screwed the cap back on, placing the almost empty bottle on the top of his drawers and crawled back onto the bed. He closed his eyes and drifted into an uneasy sleep.

He was suddenly awoken by his stomach turning. He pulled himself off the bed and ran down the hallway, stumbling on his way down. He pushed the bathroom door open and fell to the floor. He heaved as vomit and half-digested pills spill into the toilet. 'Hey Midobro. Are you okay?' Kirishima questions as he walks into the bathroom. 'Are you sick?' Kirishima questions as he gets closer. 'I'm fine!' Midoriya snaps back taking Kirishima off guard. 'Bro, you're obviously sick. Let me help you back to your room' Kirishima says calmly. He sits down beside Midoriya as he continues to vomit. 'Are those pills? Did you take those?' Kirishima questions. 'It wasn't that many. I just took some painkillers to stop the pain' Midoriya mumbles. Kirishima quickly gets up and heads to the door. 'Bakugou!' Kirishima calls out and Bakugou comes running down the halls. 'What's wrong?' Bakugou questions as Kirishima points to Midoriya huddled on the floor shivering. 'Is he sick?' Bakugou questions. 'He's vomiting up pills...' Kirishima whispers and Bakugou's eyes widen. He swiftly moves towards Izuku and sits beside him. 'Did you take the pills on purpose?' Bakugou questions urgently. 'My body hurt and I wanted the pain to go away. I only took a few' Midoriya mumbles as his eyes begin to shut. 'Izuku! Stay awake. We need you to stay awake' Bakugou says softly tapping Izuku's cheek. Izuku opens his eyes softly and scrunched in on himself. 'My tummy hurts...' Izuku mumbles. 'I know. We're going to move you to the common room since most of the class are gone for the weekend' Bakugou explains.

 Izuku gives a small hum as Bakugou gently picks him up. 'Can you go find a bucket and a blanket then call an ambulance. Tell them that Deku overdosed but we don't think it was intentional. Maybe stop by Deku's room and see if you can find out which one he took. He keeps all his medication in his top right drawer' Bakugou said as he moves to the common room. A few of their classmates were in the kitchen and watched in confusion as a stressed Bakugou walked into the common room with a pale and almost limp Midoriya in his arms. 'What happened to Midoriya?' Denki questioned as Bakugou placed Deku on the couch. 'He fucking overdosed!'Bakugou says as Kirishima hands him a bucket. Bakugou puts the bucket in Deku's lap and runs to get a towel. 'Like on purpose?' Denki questions. 'I don't think so. He said he was in pain' Bakugou says as he puts the towel under the bucket and throws a blanket over Deku's shoulders. 'I think I found it Bakugou!' Kirishima says running across the room waving a bottle in the air. Bakugou grabs it and opens it. 'These were his pain meds from the sports festival. He only takes these when he's in so much pain he can't move. That bottle was half full last week' Bakugou mumbles. 'That's got to be over 50 pills!' Kirishima says shocked. 'Have you called the ambulance yet?' Bakugou questions. 'I'll go do that now' Kirishima says as he leaves the room. 'I'm going to go call Aizawa. I'll only be gone for a moment' Bakugou says to Denki before leaving the room too.

Bakugou was only gone for 2 minutes but that was all it took for things to go wrong. Bakugou quickly filled Aizawa in on what was happening. Aizawa reassured him that he would be back at the dorms soon. Bakugou hung up and walked back to the common room. Deku was no longer on the couch but instead leaned against the far wall, swaying and his eyes were darting everywhere. Denki was standing close to the door where Bakugou was while the bucket and towel were discarded on the ground as well as many books. 'What the hell happened?' Bakugou growled. 'I don't know. He got really scared and ran then he started throwing books at me. He keeps mumbling too but I can't figure out what he's saying' Denki explains, panicked. 'Kacchan! They're going to hurt me! They're coming to get me!' Midoriya yells. 'Who's coming to get you?' Bakugou questions as he slowly approaches. 'Tsubasa and Sho and the others! They're going to hurt me Kacchan!' Midoriya yells. 'Who is he talking about Bakugou?' Denki questions. 'They were our friends when we were little' Bakugou explains. Bakugou slowly gets closer until he is only a few footsteps away. 'They won't hurt you Izuku. They're not here. They can't hurt you' Bakugou comforts. Midoriya stares at Bakugou as tears fall down his cheeks. 'They're- They-' Midoriya mumbles as he faints. 

Bakugou catches him in his arms as Midoriya's body starts to seize. Bakugou quickly lowers him to the ground and backs away from his body. Midoriya's seizure is barely a minute long but it feels like forever. As it starts to die down Bakugou is quick to act. He rolls Izuku onto his side into the recovery position. He lifts Izuku's head up and opens his airways but his breathing sounds blocked. Bakugou quickly lifts Izuku's head and tries to scoop out whatever is blocking Izuku's throat out with his pinky. 'Come on...' Bakugou mumbles as he pulls out a small white object. 'What is it?' Denki questions. 'Another fucking pill' Bakugou mumbles as they watch vomit trickle out the side of his mouth. 'That's so gross!' Denki says as Bakugou tilts Midoriya's head slightly more. 'He doesn't have a gag reflex while he's unconscious. He can choke on his vomit or saliva if it doesn't drain out' Bakugou mumbles as Kirishima walks in with the paramedics. They quickly work on Midoriya and get him on a stretcher. The ambulance leaves as Aizawa returns. 'They already took him to the hospital' Bakugou says as he cleans up the common room. He scrubs at the carpet aggressively as Aizawa takes in the scene. Kirishima is putting books back that are scattered across the floor. 'Do you two want to come to the hospital with me? I know you are worried about him' Aizawa says and Bakugou sighs. 'Yeah. We would appreciate that. Just give us a minute to get changed' Kirishima says as he helps Bakugou off the ground.

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