Day 7 - Bleeding

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3rd Person POV

'The villains are retreating!' Kirishima calls out as the villains run back to the portals. Midoriya stands in the rubble of ground alpha, panting, clutching onto his side as he limps towards the entrance. He can feel the blood seeping through his clothing and dripping down his hand. His hand grazes over the metal bar a villain impaled through his abdomen and makes him shudder in pain.He stumbles through the debris of buildings and shattered road pavement.  He turns the corner around a building as his friends come into sight. He slowly walks toward them, too weak to yell out. Some of the students are disinfecting cuts while others get cuts and bruises disinfected. None of them look badly injured. Midoriya smiles at the thought of being able to protect his friends. 

'Deku!' Uraraka calls out as she comes running toward him, smiling that her friend was okay. Midoriya was the only person that they hadn't heard from or seen during the fight. Uraraka's smile quickly faded as she watch Midoriya clutch his side and lean against the wall of a building. She watched the crimson blood drip down his hand, making a small puddle on the ground. 'Someone come help me!' Uraraka yells.Todoroki and Uraraka run over to where Midoriya is and hold him up. They pull his arms over their shoulders revealing the metal bar that he was covering. 'Deku!' Uraraka says as Todoroki looks down at the bar. They quickly hurry him over to where the students have made a make-shift medic station. Todoroki sits him up against a wall as Uraraka grabs a bigger first aid kit. 'Can someone call an ambulance and tell them that Midoriya has been impaled through the abdomen with a metal bar' Uraraka calls out. 'On it!' Jirou calls out. Uraraka rolls the first aid kit out and hands Todoroki a pair of gloves before putting on a pair herself. 'Can you cut his hero uniform around the bar, be very gentle though' Uraraka says as she hands Todoroki the scissors. He gently picks at the fabric making small cuts until he can pull the material away. 

'Okay, what now?' Todoroki says. 'Can you take his gloves and leg braces off while I try and stop the bleeding?' Uraraka questions. 'Shouldn't we remove the bar?' Todoroki questions back. 'No. It could be puncturing an organ or a blood vessel and cause more damage if we remove it' Uraraka explains. She pulls some pads out of the first aid kit and carefully places them around the bar. She pushes down on them, careful not to put any pressure on the bar. 'Won't you hurt him doing that?' Todoroki questions as he pulls Midoriya's leg brace off and throws it out of the way. 'I need to apply pressure to slow the bleeding. I'm not applying pressure to the bar' Uraraka explains before turning to Midoriya. 'Hey Midoriya. How are you feeling?' Uraraka says sweetly. 'Like death hit me with a truck...' Midoriya laughs softly before groaning in pain at the movement. 'Stay still, okay? Are you feeling dizzy or sick or do you have any breathlessness' Uraraka questions. 'Um, I feel dizzy and a bit nauseaous' Midoriya says quietly and Uraraka looks up at him. His face is pale and she can feel him shivering under her. She pulls one of her hands away and holds it up to his face. He's so cold to the touch. 

'Yaoyorozu' Uraraka calls out and she makes her way over to the group. 'What do you need?' Yaoyorozu questions. 'Can you make a blanket?' Uraraka questions and Momo hands her a soft blanket. She hands it off to Todoroki who throws it around Midoriya's shoulders. 'Do you think your ready for Mic's English test at the end of the week?' Uraraka questions trying to distract Midoriya. 'I'm ready. I've been studying up the last couple days' Midoriya says. 'Todoroki can you help lie him down?' Uraraka questions and Todoroki helps pull Midoriya down so he's lying on the ground. 'Is anyone not busy?' Uraraka calls out. 'I'm not busy. What do you need?' Shinsou says heading over to the group. 'Can you sit next to Midoriya and talk to him while we are dealing with him. Just keep him distracted and let us know if he's getting worse. He's going into shock' Uraraka explains. 

Shinsou sits down next to Midoriya and leans over him. 'Are you having fun staring at the sky?' Shinsou questions, smiling. 'The sky is pretty boring to stare at' Midoriya sighs. Shinsou chats to Midoriya while Uraraka and Todoroki focus on bandaging the gauze around Midoriya's abdomen. They make sure there is still a decent amount of pressure on the gauze but not on the bar. They finally finish wrapping the bandages, happy that they can't see any blood seeping through. Todoroki starts cleaning the station while Uraraka focuses on disinfecting the smaller cuts on his leg and arms. Midoriya begins to twitch and move while Uraraka is cleaning a small cut across his knuckles. 

'Hey, come on Midoriya. You need to keep still' Shinsou says softly. 'Fuck off' Midoriya spits at Shinsou as he pulls his arm away from Uraraka. 'Calm down' Shinsou says. 'Why is everyone so close' Midoriya growls. 'Get away from me' Midoriya yells as Shinsou tries to restrain him. 'Come on Midoriya' Uraraka says softly. 'Go away!' Midoriya yells at her. 'Shit...' Midoriya mumbles under his breath as he flinches in pain. Uraraka watches as the bandages begin to turn crimson red. 'Do it Shinsou' Uraraka mumbles. 'Midoriya' Shinsou says, getting his attention. 'What!' Midoriya yells falling into Shinsou's trap. Shinsou brainwashed Midoriya as his body becomes slack. 'Stop fighting. You are going to lay their obediently until the ambulance arrives' Shinsou says and Midoriya doesn't fight it. Uraraka and Todoroki quickly put more gauzes ontop of the bandage and apply pressure again. 

Shinsou finally releases Midoriya once Uraraka and Todoroki slow the bleeding again. They wrap him in bandages again and Midoriya lies on the ground silently. 'Are you okay Midoriya?' Uraraka questions as the sirens of an ambulance can be heard in the distance. 'Dizzy' Midoriya mumbles. 'Yeah, you started bleeding again. The ambulance is here though' Uraraka says softly as the ambulance arrives. The paramedics rush out and are quick to look over Midoriya. 'You did a great job at stopping the bleeding' one of the paramedics says as the other grabs the stretcher. They quickly pull him up onto the stretcher as Midoriya lets out a small, pained whine. They quickly load him into the ambulance and take off. Uraraka, Todoroki and Shinsou sit on the ground allowing the adrenaline to finally wear off. They feel tired now and worried for their friend. 'Come on, let's get you guys back to the dorms' Mina says as her and Kirishima help the trio off the ground.

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