Day 11 - Dislocation

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*Please DO NOT try and relocate a dislocation, always consult a medical professional*

'Hey! Sero!' Midoriya says running over to where the Bakusquad were getting the last of their gear on. 'Yeah Midoriya?' Sero says, turning towards him with his helment resting in his arm. 'Do you want to train with me today?' Midoriya questioned. 'Yeah sure! We don't get to train together often, it'll be a nice change of pace' Sero says as he rubs at his elbows. 'Want to do anything in particular?' Sero questions. 'Well... I overhead Aizawa talking about your reflexes so I was thinking a capture game? I need to work on my reflexes too and my mobility with my legs' Midoriya explains, pulling his gloves on. 'Sounds good! No holding back?' Sero smiles. 'Of course not!' Midoriya says excitedly. 'I'll meet you at the blue building at the city district in 10' Midoriya says waving goodbye to the group. 

Midoriya pulls his mask over his mouth and walks to the city district, enjoying the early morning peace. The birds chirped and a soft breeze blew through the empty streets. Midoriya stood outside the blue building, eyes closed as he took in the sunlight. It was nice to just take a moment. His eyes quickly snapped open as the sound of boots hitting the ground came closer. Sero came running up the street. 'You ready Midoriya?' Sero says as he comes to a stop a few steps away from Midoriya. 'Yeah! Of course!' Midoriya says excitedly. 'How much of a headstart do you need?' Sero questions. 'I only need 5 seconds' Midoriya smiles. 'Okay, you have 5 seconds' Sero says as Midoriya dashes down the streets, propeling himself against the buildings.

 Sero quickly goes after him, using his tape to swing from building to building. Midoriya smiles as the wind flows through his hair. He narrowly dodges as Sero's tape comes flying past him. He laughs before quickly turning around the corner in an attempt to lose Sero. Sero swings around the corner only to stop on a rooftop, looking for any sign of Midoriya. He watches carefully for a flicker of lightning or blackwhip until he sees a pair of eyes watching him from the alleyway. He quickly takes after the greenette, trying his hardest to keep.

Sero's tape wraps around Midoriya's upper arm before a strong tug sends him flying into the side of a building. The concrete building concaved around his body as he gasps in pain. He barely has time to react to the pain radiating through his arm before he was being thrown through the air and into the street. The ground creaked below his weight and Midoriya groans as his head spins. 'Shit! You okay Midoriya?' Sero says as he swings down to the street from his tape. 'I think I dislocated my shoulder' Midoriya calls out as he lies against the cold pavement. 

Sero carefully helps him sit up off the ground. His shoulder is disfigured under his skin tight hero costume. 'Can you move your hand or your fingers?' Sero questions. Midoriya focuses on his hand, trying to make it move but his hand remains motionless. 'Is it painful?' Sero questions. 'Yeah, it's really sore' Midoriya says. 'Are you sure it's not broken?' Sero questions. 'I mean, maybe?' Midoriya says unsurely. 'We'll treat it as a fracture. Best case, it's just dislocated' Sero says as he tapes around Midoriya's wrist, pulling it up around his neck to make a makeshift sling. 'Thanks Sero' Midoriya says as Sero carefully pulls him up to his feet. 'Let's go find Recovery Girl' Sero says as they walk to the exit.

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