Day 4 - Anaphylaxis

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'Hey Deku! Sato made dinner for everyone' Uraraka says as she opens the door to Midoriya's room. Midoriya looks over at her and takes his earbud out. 'Okay, I'll be down in a minute. I just have to finish the analysis for this new hero' Midoriya says. 'Oh is it for that new hero, Static, I think they called themselves' Uraraka questions. 'Yeah! I'm just looking over their fight from this morning' Midoriya says and Uraraka walks over to the desk where Midoriya is taking notes. 'So, what have you got on them?' Uraraka questions. 'So their quirk is glitch, it allows them to 'glitch through solid matter such as wall and split their body apart for a while. It would be very handy for stealth missions and defence but not very good for combat. They also don't carry a support item which could be handy but this could also hold them back. We don't know if their support item would glitch through solid matter as well. I'm assuming their costume is made of the same stuff that Hagakure's and Kuroiro's costumes are made of. You know, like how the costume support can use their quirks to create a costume that works with their quirks' Midoriya explains. 'Wow, you got all that from their debut clip. That video was less than 2 minutes long!' Uraraka says and Midoriya shrugs. 'Our dinner is probably getting cold' Uraraka says as she stretches. 'Yeah' Midoriya mumbles as he gets up and heads to the kitchen with Uraraka. 

They walk down the stairs to the kitchen. 'What took you so long, Uraraka?' Mina questions. 'He was in the middle of analyzing a fight' Uraraka laughs. 'Oh! Let me guess Mido had to finish it before coming down for dinner?' Mina questioned again. 'Yeah. 'It's actually pretty amazing what he got from such a short video' Uraraka says as she goes and gets her dinner and sits at the table with Jirou, Momo, Mina, Midoriya and Bakugou. They all eat up slowly. Midoriya slurps his noodles and begins to cough. It starts as a small cough but soon he's gone into a coughing fit. He's leaned over the table, covering his head with his arms. 'Did I make it too spicy?' Sato calls out from where he's sitting. His friends are all questioning him but Midoriya doesn't respond. Jirou pushes one of her earplugs into his side and her eyes widen. 'Someone grab him and sit him up!' Jirou yells and Momo pulls him up in his chair. His mouth is open slightly, his mouth, tongue and throat are swelling and his breathing sounds more like he's choking. 

'What is happening to him?!' Mina yells. 'He's going into anaphylaxis. Does anyone have an epi-pen?' Jirou questions, listening to Midoriya's slowing heartbeat. 'I know Deku has some but I don't know where he keeps them' Bakugou says. 'Can't you make one Momo?!' Uraraka says. 'No. I don't know the chemical formula and even if I can figure it out it'll take a few tries to get it right' Momo says still holding Midoriya in his chair. 'I- I have one in m-my r-room' Koda calls out. 'Can you please get it!' Mina says as Koda runs to his room. 'Hold on Izuku. Someone needs to call an ambulance' Momo says calmly. 'I'll call them!' Sero yells as he grabs his phone. Midoriya slumps against Momo's arms. 'He's fainted!' Momo yells. 'His skin is turning blue!' Uraraka says. 'His pulse is getting too low and his breathing is extremely shallow. We need that epi pen' Jirou says as Koda runs into the room holding his epi-pen. 'Pass it here!' Bakugou yells as Koda gives him the pen. Bakugou quickly pulls the blue safety release off and holds the orange end on the outer side of Midoriya's thigh. He pushes down, listening to the click and holds it for 3 seconds. He pulls the pen away and Jirou sighs in relief as she listens to Midoriya's heart rate begin to fasten.  Everyone listens to Midoriya's breathing ease. 

Bakugou suddenly stands up and marches over to where Sato is watching. 'What did you put in the dinner?' Bakugou said quietly. Everyone was so used to him yelling that hearing his quiet was terrifying. 'I- umm- noodles, a few different sauces, some herbs, chicken, some fresh vegetables that I brought today' Sato mumbles. 'So you didn't put peanuts in?' Bakugou questioned. 'N-no' Sato stutters. 'Show me the sauces you used' Bakugou says and Sato leads him to the kitchen. Nobody hears anything until Bakugou walks out with a bottle in hand. 'Deku is 1 of 3 people in this class with a severe allergy! Why did no one read the labels before buying it' Bakugou said as he dumps the bottle in the bin. 'It said that it was produced in a factory that processed peanuts. I thought it was okay since it didn't have peanuts in it' Hagakure says confused. 'And look how that turned out' Bakugou mumbles. 'I'm sorry. I'll be more careful next time' Hagakure mumbles. 

'K-kacchan. It's not her fault...' Midoriya mumbles. Everyone's heads turn to Midoriya who is now sitting up in Momo's arms. 'You're an idiot Deku' Bakugou says as he sits beside Deku. 'You had everyone so worried. We wouldn't have known if Jirou didn't say something' Bakugou mumbles. 'Wait. How did you know that he was struggling to breathe?' Uraraka questions. 'I can use my earplugs to amplify the sounds of his body. I could hear him struggling to breathe and his heart slowing down' Jirou explains. 'That's really cool. I should go grab my notebooks and write this down!' Midoriya says excitedly. 'No dumbass! You are staying there and resting until the ambulance arrives' Bakugou says. 'Oh, So what else can you hear?' Midoriya questions. 'I can hear heart rate, breathing and broken bones. I can also hear the blood circulating around the body. Mic is helping me learn to recognise different injuries through sounds' Jirou explains. 'That is so cool!' Midoriya explains as the front door opens. 'Does someone want to explain why there is an ambulance here?' Aizawa questions as he walks in with 2 paramedics beside him. 'Midoriya had an anaphylactic episode' Momo explains. 'How? We don't even have peanuts in the dorms?' Aizawa questioned as the paramedics tended to Midoriya. 'Hagakure accidentally brought a sauce bottle that was contaminated with peanuts' Jirou says and Aizawa sighs. 'We're going to take him to the hospital for observation' one of the paramedics says as the other grabs the stretcher. They bring the stretcher inside and help Midoriya onto it before leaving. Midoriya gives a big smile at the class as they leave.

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