Day 3 - Burns and Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

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'Today you will be learning how to fight in confined spaces' Aizawa says as he leads us to a small room. 'This is yo teach you how to fight in confined areas with minimal damage' Aizawa continues. 'This is going to be so cool!' Kirishima says excitedly. 'Okay, first up is Midoriya and Bakugou' Aizawa says as Midoriya and Bakugou make their way to the only door in the room. Inside the room it was a grey colour with no windows and a metal door. 'Get into position and you may start on my count' Aizawa says over the speaker. Midoriya made his way to the far side of the room while Bakugou stood close to the door. 'You ready Deku? No holding back!' Bakugou yells. 'Why would I hold back?' Midoriya teases. 'Go!' Aizawa says and Bakugou rushes towards Deku throwing a right hook. Deku easily dodges to the side and Bakugou sends a small explosion towards his side.

All the students stood in the observation room watching the fight go down on the big screens. The students could see the smoke billowing from Bakugou's hands and Midoriya's quirk flash around him. They could also see the smoke beginning to plume near the ceiling. They'd been watching the 2 battle for almost 3 minute when they noticed it. Midoriya's reflexes are usually so quick the rest of the class couldn't keep up but he was stumbling and coughing. 'Shouldn't the smoke be venting out of the room?' Sero questioned. 'Yeah. The vents must be blocked again. It's fine. The match will be over soon' Aizawa mumbles. Bakugou explodes his way to where Deku is and lands a blast on Deku's lower arm. The class flinches at the blast and quickly run to the room where the 2 were when Aizawa declares the match over.

'Shit! Deku! I thought you would dodge!' Bakugou says as he runs over to where Deku is laying on the ground. Bakugou helps Deku up and to the door where some of class 1A is waiting. Uraraka quickly takes some of Deku's weight and helps him to a nearby bench. 'Can you grab the first aid kit? We need to tend to the burn on his arm' Uraraka asks Iida who runs to get the first aid kit. Uraraka watches Deku sway from side to side and tip to the side against Bakugou, who is sitting beside him. 'Hey Deku are you feeling okay?' Uraraka questions. Deku shakes his head and leans against Bakugou again. 'Can you grab my hand?' Uraraka questions as she holds her open hands out in front of him. Deku tries to grab her hand with his good arm but misses. He tries again and gets his hand to land ontop of hers. 'Can you squeeze my hand?' Uraraka questions and Deku tries to squeeze her hand. He can barely close his hands around hers let alone squeeze her hand. 'Here is the first aid kit' Iida says as Todoroki grabs it. He grabs a water bottle that Sero handed him and slowly pours the water over the burn while Mina and Sero run back and forward to give him a constant supply of water bottles. Midoriya suddenly lurches forward as vomit trickles onto the concrete below him. 'Has someone got a bag?!' Uraraka calls as Momo hands her a plastic bag. She holds it in front of Deku and Deku tries to grab it. Bakugou grabs it off her and hold it up to Deku's mouth. 'What's happening? Why is he vomiting?' Iida questions. 'I think he has carbon monoxide poisoning. It must be from the smoke in the room' Bakugou explains. 'But if he has it, why don't you? You were in the room too' Uraraka questions. 'My quirk allows my body to process carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide so it doesn't make me sick' Bakugou explains as Midoriya lurches forward again, vomiting into the bag Bakugou was holding. 'Okay, so for carbon monoxide poisoning the best thing we can do is put an oxygen mask on him' Uraraka says. She grabs a oxygen mask out of the first aid kit and places it over Midoriya's mouth and nose. She slowly pumps the bag, helping Midoriya breathe.

'It's been 20 minutes. Iida, can you grab the scissors out of the first aid kit and help me cut his hero suit around the burn' Todoroki questions and Iida does as he asks. They cut around the burn making sure to cut around the singed pieces of clothing that were attached to the burn. 'Shouldn't we remove those pieces of clothing from the burn?' Iida questions. 'No but we need to cut off this bracelet. It'll cut of the circulation to his hand when his arm swells' Todoroki replies. 'Noooo...' Midoriya mumbles pushing the mask off his face. 'We need to remove it Midoriya' Todoroki says calmly. 'Nooo... Kacchan made it for me...' Midoriya mumbles as Bakugou looks over at the bracelet. 'How do you still have that! I made that when we were 6!' Bakugou says. 'I always wear it... I never take it off' Midoriya mumbles. 'Just cut it off' Bakugou says to Todoroki who cuts it off Midoriya's wrist. 'I'll make you a new one if it means that much to you' Bakugou whispers to Midoriya as Uraraka pushes the mask back over Midoriya's mouth. Todoroki carefully wraps the burn with cling film and puts the first aid kit away. Everyone sits in silence listening to Midoriya's raggedy breaths. 'How are you feeling now Midoriya?' Uraraka questions. 'A bit better. Still kind of nauseous' Midoriya mumbles. Uraraka continues pumping and most of the people in the room have left except for Todoroki, Uraraka and Bakugou. Midoriya tries to sit up and push the mask of her face. Bakugou is quick to hold the bag in front of Midoriya as he vomits. Midoriya tries to grab the bag but his hand misses. 'It's okay Midoriya' Uraraka sooths as Midoriya continues to be sick. Bakugou's nose scrunched at the sight but he doesn't move. Midoriya's heaves soon turn into coughs as he finally stops vomiting. Bakugou quickly throws away the bag. 'We should probably take him back to the dorms to rest. Todoroki, can you go find Recovery Girl and tell her to meet us at the dorms?' Uraraka questions as she helps Midoriya up with the help of Bakugou. Todoroki nods before leaving and the trio make their way back to the dorms. 'Sorry...' Midoriya mumbles. 'It's fine Deku and before you say anything it wasn't your fault. Aizawa should've checked the vents were working before the battle' Bakugou says. They eventually make it back to the dorms. They place Midoriya on the common room couch with a blanket and a bucket in case he's sick. Uraraka sits beside him watching movies as Bakugou sits on the floor braiding a new bracelet for Deku.

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